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Writer & Producer of Cleaver

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Member, Male, from A town near you

... and at only $100 I think they are the first thing a person new to tinnitus should get. Sep 15, 2024 at 5:53 PM

    1. kingsfan
      Can’t get a Covid test anywhere
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      2. kingsfan
        @aura my rapid test cam back negative but I’m waiting on pcr results. I’m having the same symptoms as my daughter so I’m positive I have Covid. It hasn’t been too bad besides a really bad headache and my tinnitus is way louder.
        Dec 30, 2021
        JPGL and Wrfortiscue like this.
      3. aura
        Get well soon!! We all gonna catch it sooner or later...
        Dec 30, 2021
        JPGL, kingsfan and Wrfortiscue like this.
      4. kingsfan
        Jan 2, 2022
    2. kingsfan
      feeling tired and lightheaded.. here we go
    3. kingsfan
      Does static always turn into a pure tone ring or should I expect this static sound to just get louder?
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      2. aura
        But i don't think you should expect it getting louder. My brain/ears static hiss tends to get louder after noise exposure,but at a manageable level. Pure tones, on the other hand, did get louder.
        Dec 27, 2021
        JPGL likes this.
      3. kingsfan
        @aura i have the hissing underneath all the other sounds. But my right ear is static, like an old crt tv without a connection, or that walkie-talkie sound you described. It’s become a lot louder and now almost sounds like air is moving through it. Left is a softer static with horrible pure tones.
        Dec 27, 2021
        JPGL likes this.
      4. kingsfan
        Just worried that “air” sound is going to transform into another pure tone ring. The louder static is already become really difficult to deal with when it wasn’t a problem before.
        Dec 27, 2021
        JPGL likes this.
    4. kingsfan
      Absolutely horrible today. I think my noisy rental car is worsening me.
      1. JPGL likes this.
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      3. aura
        @Wrfortiscue , i don't use white noise,i tried listening to it but i don't like it.
        Dec 27, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      4. Wrfortiscue
        @kingsfan i understand the mess of noises with plugs, it’s why I take mine off frequently. You may just need higher db like your 16’s. I realized I wasn’t seating my left plug in and exposing myself constantly. Kept jamming the plug and causing aching lol so dumb
        Dec 27, 2021
      5. Wrfortiscue
        @aura yeah my ears start ringing louder immediately with white noise because of frequency. Just wondering if ours spike to road noise because of that
        Dec 27, 2021
    5. kingsfan
      Louder static/tire air noise in my right ear is really bothering me. I keep trying to ignore it but no luck so far.
      1. Wrfortiscue
        Time is your friend. Sorry you’re struggling, I’m having a depression day and just want to fade away. T is also making itself known because my walls are down
        Dec 24, 2021
        JPGL likes this.
      2. kingsfan
        Dec 24, 2021
        JPGL and Wrfortiscue like this.
      3. Brian P
        Brian P
        Some people have tones that go away, like Stacken. Not me!
        Dec 25, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
    6. Brian P
      Brian P
      How did your T become so severe?
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      2. kingsfan
        Then while getting tests from an audiologist, my nightmare truly began. It just kept getting worse from there. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what.
        Dec 23, 2021
        JPGL likes this.
      3. Brian P
        Brian P
        Yes I didn’t know the dangers of headphones either. I used to listen to them everyday on the bus to school from 5th grade through 12th. I have Ménière’s disease, but I’m no noise Virgin. I wish I knew the risks of noise when I was a kid. Holy shit.
        Dec 24, 2021
        JPGL likes this.
      4. kingsfan
        I just thought I’d lose some hearing from not wearing earplugs. Didn’t know the ringing could get so loud. I thought I had my AirPods at a reasonable level, but I guess not. Funny apple now has a monitor for the loudness of their earphones, after I got tinnitus.
        Dec 25, 2021
        JPGL likes this.
    7. kingsfan
      Right ear is developing a soft whistle that sounds like the pure tone in my left ear. Anxiety is 1000%. I can't have this ring in both ears.
      1. JPGL likes this.
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      3. Shoon
        Yes my friend, why can’t we just be the people who are like yes! I’ve had the same tinnitus for the past 20 years! I have a coworker who’s like this that suffered an acoustic trauma around two months ago (he’s 62) from shooting a gun but forgot protection and still says his tinnitus remains the same.
        Dec 23, 2021
      4. kingsfan
        @Shoon thats really all I want at this point.. for it to just stay the same and I’ll deal with it.
        Dec 26, 2021
      5. Farm
        Hows the whistle i was trying to find experiences too .. i developed one 3 weeks ago seems active to sounds like fan i hear it more
        Feb 16, 2022
    8. kingsfan
      Just got my car back from the shop. Might need a new engine. Fuck I'm having the time of my life. 20 out of 10 experience this whole year.
      1. NYCGuy, Steph1710, aura and 1 other person like this.
      2. Wrfortiscue
        You’ll be that much stronger when you come out the other side
        Dec 22, 2021
      3. kingsfan
        This is definitely some fucking mental gymnastics
        Dec 22, 2021
    9. kingsfan
      Had a good day yesterday. Took a shower. Right ear felt clogged. Did a very soft valsalva. Ear pain and the sound of air out of a tire now..
      1. JPGL and Steph1710 like this.
      2. kingsfan
        I can tell from the new tone of the static that it is eventually going to turn into a ring identical to my current left ear. At that point I’ll probably just throw myself out the window.
        Dec 21, 2021
      3. kingsfan
        Fuckin A I did it again. Wtf is wrong with me? Had to recreate the scenario to see if I was being crazy or not? Hopefully it doesn’t get any louder I’m fuckin panicking.
        Dec 21, 2021
    10. kingsfan
      Hockey tiem. Wish I could go to a game.
      1. Wrfortiscue and Damocles like this.
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      3. Damocles
        Dec 19, 2021
        Exit likes this.
      4. Damocles
        Maybe the occasional song or two, and Films/Television.
        Dec 19, 2021
        Exit likes this.
      5. kingsfan
        @Shelbylynn I don't do much more than shopping and restaurants. I keep getting worse so maybe even that is too much noise for me, but what am I supposed to do, sit at home and listen to the demons in my ears?
        Dec 22, 2021
    11. kingsfan
      Every day is a struggle. I can't do this for another 30+ years
      1. Exit, Nadia231 and Wrfortiscue like this.
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      3. Wrfortiscue
        I feel you. Still working on trying to get used to my buzzsaw. It vibrates my brain and pierces any sound
        Dec 19, 2021
        JPGL and Exit like this.
      4. kingsfan
        Is yours lower frequency?
        Dec 19, 2021
        JPGL and Wrfortiscue like this.
      5. Wrfortiscue
        Very high pulsating and sometimes makes my brain sizzle lol
        Dec 19, 2021
        JPGL and Exit like this.
    12. kingsfan
      Well over a year has passed. Where is the habituation I was promised?
      1. JPGL, Guest5401, Exit and 7 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. kuromi
        I know that isn't the best encouragement, but you'll be okay. ❤️
        Dec 14, 2021
      4. kingsfan
        I don't really get anxiety from my T unless I try to do something that requires a lot of focus, then I get frustrated. But I'm constantly thinking about it. The first I think every morning when I wake up is "how does my T sound today?" it's automatic.
        Dec 14, 2021
        JPGL and Wrfortiscue like this.
      5. kingsfan
        I just want to not care about it anymore, like how it was back when it was mild. I'd hear it every night and when I had earplugs in but it didn't bother me at all.
        Dec 14, 2021
        JPGL, Freerunner and Wrfortiscue like this.
    13. kingsfan
      It's like my brain ran out of ingredients to make serotonin today =(
    14. kingsfan
      It's official. I'm sick of being alone.
      1. JPGL, Mnq16, Wrfortiscue and 3 others like this.
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      3. aura
        @Steph1710 dogs are loud...maybe a cat? And then he can do what i did last year when i adopted a cat: hyper-fixate on training techniques.
        Dec 10, 2021
      4. aura
        ...and watch endless youtube tutorials about cats...i recommend cat behaviorist, YouTuber and the host of the television show "My Cat from Hell " Jackson Galaxy.
        Dec 10, 2021
        JPGL, Wrfortiscue and Damocles like this.
      5. kingsfan
        I had two cats. Left them when I moved out. My roommate says they are allergic, so no cats =\. I've been having the delusion I'll get my two boys back.
        Dec 10, 2021
    15. kingsfan
      Looking for something new to hyper-fixate on
      1. JPGL, Mnq16, Charburchar and 4 others like this.
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      3. buttercake
        H. Brezis - Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations
        Dec 10, 2021
        JPGL, Leila, Damocles and 2 others like this.
      4. Steph1710
        @kingsfan wow! We are so similar! I do the exact same thing. I love outdoors equipment, so it’s easy to get fixated on it haha. I’ve been researching at work recently. Being paid to get fixated on something is extra fun.
        Dec 10, 2021
      5. kingsfan
        @Steph1710 What kind of gear have you been researching? I want to see!
        Dec 10, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
    16. kingsfan
      Stopping singulair for a while to see it helps with my anxiety/depression at all.
      1. JPGL, Wrfortiscue and Damocles like this.
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      3. kingsfan
        @Damocles Is that the anime based on the card game in which they play the card game based on the anime?
        Dec 9, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
      4. Damocles
        Dec 9, 2021
      5. Damocles
        Trust in the heart of the cards.
        Dec 9, 2021
        ZFire likes this.
    17. kingsfan
      Tried Zoloft, very low dose 12.5mg, for 3 days and it is a no go. Gotta find something to help with my depression.
      1. MBH likes this.
      2. MBH
        I take lithium carbonate small dose, been on it for 3 years. It's hit or miss with meds.
        Dec 7, 2021
    18. kingsfan
      left ear is definitely worse now. got used to watching tv with it, but now I'm struggling with it again. It's mind numbingly loud.
      1. Guywithapug, JPGL and andrewsomatict like this.
      2. aura
        What kind of sound?
        Dec 3, 2021
      3. Leila
        And just when you think you've managed to regain one of your little comforts of life... I hope your ear will calm down again because I know how frustrating it is to cut out more and more of the things that you like from your life.
        Dec 3, 2021
        JPGL likes this.
      4. kingsfan
        @aura straight square wave tone.. one at 4000hz, the other at 6000hz. So loud it feels like they are going to blow out of the side of my head.
        Dec 3, 2021
    19. kingsfan
      Got the haircut today. Man was the place loud. My apple watch showed 83dba at times. I only had my dinky 11nrr earplugs in.
      1. JPGL and Wrfortiscue like this.
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      3. kingsfan
        It’s middle-aged Fred Durst
        Dec 2, 2021
        Wrfortiscue and Damocles like this.
      4. twa
        I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope it calms down quickly.
        Dec 4, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      5. Wrfortiscue
        Haha just had to come back to this after seeing lalapalooza 2021 with LB. I’m like I know that face
        Dec 17, 2021
    20. LilCC
      @kingsfan have you tried them remote wall plugs ? I use it for my blender. I close the door and use the remote In another room to turn it on. They sell them on Amazon.
      1. ECP, Damocles and aura like this.
      2. kingsfan
        That's actually a really good idea. I have some philips hue outlets I could use.
        Nov 30, 2021
        LilCC and Damocles like this.
      3. kingsfan
        Such a good idea. thanks for that one!
        Nov 30, 2021
        LilCC and Damocles like this.
      4. Damocles
        Good thinking @LilCC.

        I do the same thing (just in a more primitive fashion) by running an extension cable to my blender under the kitchen door. Then just leave the blender powered on until I've left the room, put my ear defenders on and can flip the switch.
        Dec 2, 2021
        ECP, Exit and kingsfan like this.
    21. kingsfan
      Thinking about returning that coffee grinder. 83dba every morning, even with double protection is just giving me anxiety.
      1. Wrfortiscue likes this.
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      3. kingsfan
        You drinking the maxwell house? coffee is like my last remaining pleasure so I'd like to keep drinking my gourmet beans.
        Nov 30, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      4. Brian P
        Brian P
        Can’t drink coffee. Increases my anxiety
        Nov 30, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      5. kingsfan
        @Brian P I'm fine as long as I drink the right amount to feed my addiction. Any more than that and I do get anxiety from it as well.
        Nov 30, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
    22. kingsfan
      I did a lot of vacuuming today. My watch measured around 88-90dba. I wore foam nrr 32 foam earplugs and peltor x5a muffs. Did I do damage?
      1. Wrfortiscue likes this.
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      3. kingsfan
        @xyz yea mine is a powerful commercial one with a bag and hepa filter to get rid of all that nasty shit that flairs up my asthma
        Nov 29, 2021
      4. Exit
        Electrolux ultra silence is a good and cheap vacuum!
        On hardwood it sucks decent even on 30% power. I only muff because the mouth piece might slam the walls.
        Nov 29, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
      5. kingsfan
        Nov 29, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
    23. kingsfan
      Getting a haircut on Monday. The first time since T started. Any advice on protecting the old earholes?
      1. Charburchar and Wrfortiscue like this.
      2. Wrfortiscue
        I got a haircut a couple days ago. Earplugs and told them to trim without hitting the ears if they could
        Nov 25, 2021
        kingsfan, Exit and Steph1710 like this.
      3. Exit
        I just take a pair of scissors and grab hold of hair, front , sides and back. 4 cuts!
        No protection:)
        Nov 25, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      4. kingsfan
        @Exit I've been cutting my own hair since covid started, but it's time for a professional to undo all the wrong I've done.
        Nov 29, 2021
        Wrfortiscue and Exit like this.
    24. kingsfan
      I've aged so much since my tinnitus worsened =(
      1. View previous comments...
      2. kingsfan
        @Steph1710 You still look young in the recent photos you have posted.. not talking about the ones from the past you posted.
        Nov 24, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
      3. kingsfan
        @Shoon Yea that's what's happening to me basically. I look older than my older brother who is in his 40s
        Nov 24, 2021
      4. kingsfan
        @danielthor I actually sleep surprisingly well with two fans, cricket sounds, and melatonin.
        Nov 24, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
    25. kingsfan
      Was just playing guitar through my DAW and monitor speakers and got a little bit of pain in my ear. That has never happened before.
      1. Wrfortiscue likes this.
      2. Wrfortiscue
        What did the pain feel like? Inner ear aching sharp pain?
        Nov 23, 2021
      3. kingsfan
        @Wrfortiscue have you ever worn foam plugs for too long and got an achy feeling in your ear canal by your jaw? Felt like that. It was a quick sensation then went away. Wondering if it was the sound or I tensed up somehow causing pain to radiate there.
        Nov 23, 2021
    26. kingsfan
      I’ve got a bottle of cymbalta and a bottle of Zoloft. I may have to start one of them.
      1. DebInAustralia
        did you ever try cymbalta? i have been speaking to someone on another platform who says it practically eliminates his t
        Feb 16, 2022
      2. kingsfan
        No, I tried the zoloft with no success. I've tried cymbalta before tinnitus and the side effects were so severe I couldn't make it past the first day. I'm kind of wary to try it again.
        Feb 16, 2022
    27. kingsfan
      can't handle this new squealing sound. worried it's permanent.
      1. Exit, Wrfortiscue and MBH like this.
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      3. kingsfan
        @Wrfortiscue ultra high pitched EEEeeeEEEeee sort of thing. Just started out of the blue Sunday evening.
        Nov 20, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      4. kingsfan
        Right now it sounds like a bad serpentine belt on a car only higher pitched.
        Nov 20, 2021
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      5. Wrfortiscue
        Sorry man let’s hope it calms a bit and maybe you can shrug it off eventually. I don’t know, there’s no advice worth giving :( you’ll get through buddy
        Nov 20, 2021
    28. kingsfan
      On another note, I've been brewing my own cold brew and it's amazing.
      1. Exit, Damocles, Wrfortiscue and 2 others like this.
    29. kingsfan
      Crazy how even the slightest change in sound or volume can send the limbic system into overdrive.
      1. Wrfortiscue, aura, Steph1710 and 2 others like this.
      2. Wrfortiscue
        For real. We don’t like change because we have to scan and assess all over lol
        Nov 16, 2021
      3. kingsfan
        @Wrfortiscue Yea I'm having a spike, but it's barely louder than my baseline but it's just messing me up in every way. like wtf?
        Nov 17, 2021
        Wrfortiscue and Damocles like this.
      4. Wrfortiscue
        @kingsfan we don’t like change, especially to
        Habituate. Now if my god awful buzzsaw can go away…
        Nov 17, 2021
    30. kingsfan
      1. View previous comments...
      2. kingsfan
        @Stacken77 Having a setback? Were you doing better before or has it just been bad for you for a while now? I haven't really been on here for a couple months.
        Nov 16, 2021
        Damocles and Stacken77 like this.
      3. Stacken77
        @kingsfan Nah mate, it's just been crap for 9 months with some severe reactivity. Getting spikes from moving the bed sheets. But it hasn't gotten even worse, so I guess that's good. ;)
        Nov 16, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
      4. kingsfan
        @Stacken77 I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm glad you are not getting worse though. I think you are much stronger than I.
        Nov 16, 2021
        Damocles and Stacken77 like this.
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  • About

    A town near you
    Writer & Producer of Cleaver
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    turning everything up to 11