@Stacken77 I had a sleepless night due to the spike and I experienced the fleeting tinnitus episode mid night. However, when it subsided, it was not fully gone and now the tone stayed.
@Freerunner your T case sounds very similar to mine. Even with the fleeting T episode which never fully went. If it gives you some hope, my 8/10 tinnitus, eventually after a year, subsidised.
@Steph1710 , what was the cause for you? Did you have hyperacusis as well and was your tinnitus reactive? I do not know about your case, but I just keep adding new tones and at the moment T is reacting to me speaking and spikes.
@Freerunner I got my T from taken doxycycline for 6 months. But I'm pretty sure years of blasting loud music had already accumulated damage and the doxy finished my ears off. When I first developed T, is was mild/moderate, then eventually became almost nonexistent. However, a few months in and I had an episode of fleeting T that stayed - it was loud, like 9/10 loud. And I developed loads of different sounds/tones.
I couldn't mask it, it was reactive and then a few weeks later I developed mild hyperacusis. This was all on top of my already very loud and intrusive pulsatile tinnitus - go me yay! Anyway, fast forward a year, I've had my ups and down, but most days my T is now at a level I can easily mask with everyday sounds.