Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

It will get better with time, how long who knows lol
I doubt it man, it only gets worse for me. Every single week. H is killing me. It crippled me.
Hoping you can get out of this rough period soon. Not guaranteed but I see success stories just like you quite a bit. Hang in there
,I have a brutal spike just for going to the grocery store with earplugs and noice cancelling headphones. I mean - my ears are setting a new record screaming. How can I endure this - i cannot socialize, go outside, how about work...
Anyways, thanks for the support
@Freerunner you can't force it. The " make peace with it" thing. It's very hard,but i think you have to suffer before getting better. Just like after a break up. Meeting with your friends, reading all kind of magazines and positive quotes, trashing your ex just won't help. You have to cry and suffer A LOT before feeling better. You just can't skip the grief stages. I hope it makes sense.
There are some positive stories around here that will give you the hope you need.
But please, do anything you have to in order to get some sleep. From my experience, the lack of sleeps puts you in " fly over a cuckoo's nest" mode. Not sleeping drives you insane even if you don't have tinnitus.
I think i could be able to deal with pretty loud tinnitus IF :
1. It doesnt't affect my sleep.
2. I don't have hyperacusis. Because i could socialize more.After sleeping, socializing is the thing that helps you THE MOST. Laughing. Having a good time with your friends/partner. Forgetting at least for a few minutes about this god damn tinnitus. Yes, it is possible.
It's hard for me, because i'm not an optimistic person. And i just can't fake positivity. If i'm feeling bad, my first thought is that it will get worse with time. BUT if someone tells me: " i hit rock bottom just like you and i am better now" , that gives me hope. I've been in an extremely bad state and now i'm better. I am not good,just better,but it's enough for the moment.
@aura that's the first step. You think I'm optimistic? Lol it took terrible tinnitus to change my mindset. Ton of health problems with depression on top.