@aura I wish I were. I kept on worsening both T and H wise.
I had my cousin at home and spoke for two hours (with earmuffs on) and now LDLs are lower and T is spiked brutally. I also get ear pain from the hyperacusis. I loose hope everyday because I see that there is no improvement.
For first 2.5 months my H improved for low frequency sounds and I was able to go outside with plugs - no problem. Now I am stuck at home. I dont even go to work.
T increased so much that once I wake up it is impossible to go to sleep. It kept on changing constantly during these 4 months and I kept on "habituating" to every new level and sound. Now is just brutal. Super reactive, loud and and crippling H on top. Unfortunately, I am not a good story. At least for now.
That's also important,having a better mood. Even if your T and H are bad, accepting them without panicking really helps! I remember having moments with my T screaming in my ear but being calm in the same time.