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  • J
    Hey Erik, I'm new to this forum and was wondering if I could private message you some questions I had? I'm not sure how to start a conversation on this. Seeing your posts on threads has already been very helpful. Thanks!
    Hi Mr Erik! is there any way I could message you privately? :D I have a few questions to ask if you do not mind :)
    Yes, choose conversation under your "username" at the top right of page and "Start conversation", then you can private chat!
    I'm sorry, where?
    Hi Erik. I was just wondering if you could tell me how many members there are here? Thank you sir.
    Good question! You might want to ask Markku. He would know for sure.
    Any way to deal with unfriendly debates on hear? A friends thread is contently being bashed because he try ed sharing a message of hope.
    It was about how God helped him through the hard times. He wanted to encourage others to not give up and trust the lord. Don't seem fair to turn that message into debate of religions.
    I agree and glad he is trying to stay positive. However, religion and politics I stay out of because no matter how strongly you feel one way or the other, you will never make the other side see it your way. We are flawed in that respect and it's not really worth the debate. Our energies are better focused on things we can control and less on things we cannot. Thanks for your contributions to this forum.
    Hey Erik. I am about to try TRT for the second time with a more understanding audiologist this time. I heard that you did sound therapy for a bit as well, as you also has issues with Hyperacusis. I was just curious at what your experience with the therapy was and how did it help you? (if it did at all). I currently have mild/moderate T and mild H (my sensitivities are with loud sudden sounds and high frequencies).
    Hi I did use different types of noise such as white, pink and brown to help me with Hyperacusis. I used and just played it on my computer. I even recorded it and made mp3 files to loop on my phone. It took a while but slowly the hyperacusis improved. I also was doing CBT therapy which I think help me address my fears and anxieties.
    Thanks Erik for the quick reply! It's good to hear that many people do improve. I hope to be in that category as well :)
    Erik, I am new to Tinnitus talk and I want to learn how to follow others so I can have a news feed? I am going into my month number three of T and for some reason today is the worst episode ever. Loud Loud Loud and I so worried this is never going to stop. My onset was sudden after a bout with a sinus infection. Are there doctors doing some sort of implant into the ear to help relieve the ringing sounds?
    Hey TyTy, you are still early in the T stages, it will calm down, just takes a bit of time. Once you get past the 3 month time frame, it usually starts to calm down. It may even go away. Keep the faith and read up on the good info here. To follow someone, click on their profile and select "follow" on the right side.
    I am new here, having tinnitus since 2 days.. It really bothers me much. I have my exam in 1 month. am not able to study please please help..
    Is methylprednisolone 4mg for 6 days strong enough to get rid of tinnitus about 8 days from the sound incident? I'm on my first day and the incident was on December 20th. I've had tinnitus since 2005 but it got worse in the last week after going to a bar for 3 hours with a band. I had my earplugs in the entire time but it seems like it is now a higher pitch. feeling panicked...
    Toni, How are you doing?
    hi eric im Nick from rhode island that research about the transponder being planted in a nerve to ease tinnitus sounds awesome you know what the status of that research is ?
    To you Eric. Thanks a lot for your thoughts and comments about T. They have helped me a lot true my bad phases :) Im sure there are many offline users who think the same of you. Good luck in your life and remember to keep your head up! :)
    Did your chiro do ultrasonic diathermy or TENS?I had single session of TENS and only 20 seconds of ultrasound with an increase of my T. I hope it is temporary.
    Hi, no I did not do Tens with my Chiro however, I have tried it separately. It did not affect my T either way. Your increase is most likely just temporary.
    hi ,has your somatic component of T improved with time.Did you do any exercises ?
    Hi yes it has. It is not nearly as reactive as it was the first several months. I did do some chiropractic work for several months but not really sure if that made a difference. I suspect that it just took time for my nerves to readjust to the new changes and calm down.
    Hi Erik
    frequently my T is very loud after about one hour of going to sleep[ I am in 9th month of T.Previously I used to have mostly undisturbed nights.daytime T is almost same.Do you get far loud T at night as compared to day?Has the night time T increased in volume as compared to when your T was in initial 6 ,7 months.
    I think we are all in the same boat, I tried antidepressants but made me sick so stopped them,I haven't worked for 5 months due to the stress of it, lets hope they find a cure for it.
    hi i have pulsatile tinitus for some six weeks will be undergoing tests shortly however dont see much coming out of is taking over my life and i cant sleep jennifer
    Hi Jennifer. The first couple of months is the toughest. You have taken the right steps in getting tests done. Sometimes they can find the cause of pulsatile tinnitus and correct it. So keep the faith. There are others on the board who have pulsatile T like Karen and Calin. You might want to contact them for tips too.
    As for sleep, I know it is tough. Try to do what you can to relax, keep your sleep routine as much as possible. If you are still having issues, ask your Doctor for something to help you out. If you are also suffering from anxiety, sometimes a good anxiety med not only can help with the anxiety but can also help you sleep. I took ativan when I needed help with my panic attacks and that always put me to sleep too.
    Keep the faith. It seems hopeless right now but know it will get better in time. You will adjust. you are not alone. We are all going thru this.
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