Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Your call. I'd say try it around home. Usually you get a trial period
@Rockman I'm afraid it could get worse as I've seen some people say that happens. So I dunno what to do. I've also seen a lot of people say they help. My T and H are both severe.
Well, do you have hearing loss? The only reason to use HAs with T is if you have significant hearing loss, in those cases the experience of having T can feel easier since you can now hear more sounds and focus less on T. Be skeptical, ask yourself if they want to help you or just sell hearing aids.. /Audiology student
Do you have hearing loss?
@HeavyMantra & @Uklawyer last time I had hearing checked, no loss detected, but I had a worsening since from ototoxicity. It created jet engines & electrical, zapping hiss that causes sensations of pain. Idk if I now have hearing loss. Doesn't feel like it. audiologist seems sincere & not about $. they can do extended audiogram to 12.5. I'm just afraid of making things worse w bad T & H. What do u recommend?
Are you afraid to do an audiogram? I don't know why they would recommend hearing aids if you have no hearing loss? Why amplify sound if there is no hearing deficit? And with hyperacusis....? I thought hyperacusis was treated with gradual exposure to sound, not amplified sound.
Well some people like @Philip83 have experienced improvement of their hyperacusis by using hearing aids, like it rewired their brains to tolerate sounds, and it happened quickly. I'm kind of afraid of an audiogram. My audiologist said hearing aids can help improve both T and H. Idk what to do.
You can get them without amplication and there cheaper