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  • Before Christmas my tinnitus was better than it'd ever been since I got it. Was usually just a faint white noise that I rarely ever thought about. Felt so very habituated..

    Then on Christmas eve, my brother's shetland sheepdog let out her usual godawful loud highpiched bark 1,5m from my bad ear. And since then it's been bad again.. sigh.. 😞
    Terrible stress induced spike due to severe relationship stress. Kept relatively stable around a 2 for years, now at 6-7 the past week :(
    T has been louder 4 quite some time, my neck's a disaster & I should probably have it X-rayd but I'm anxious about the MRI. Not a great time
    I did fine with my MRI but mine was med induced, not noise so IDK if there's a difference or not. Used my own yellow 3M plugs.
    Purchased the new "Calmer Soft"; the original ones didn't do much for me but these new ones help me so much, so happy about them ❤️
    After a long time of T being quite ok, a rather noticeable spike atm, worried it's alcohol induced. Hope it'll go down soon :c
    3 year anniversary w T. Would have wished 4 it 2 b a non-issue by now, ofc. But most of the time it does not affect my life & glad for that.
    Feeling very habituated atm. I still can feel dysfunctional about being anxious in loud places. But not bothered by the T itself. Grateful:)
    1,5 weeks now after a reeally noisy trip. But no real spike! :) T decided to switch ears - but intensity has not really been effected.
    Change of plans with France - is instead travelling with the gf to Croatia tomorrow. Very nervous, but also excited ☼
    Ooh I love Croatia! So beautiful. So rich in history. I was going to France too, but I've decided on Peru and the Amazon instead. I hope you both have a lovely time! :)
    Thank you so much Steph!^^
    T has been very mild lately, been grateful. Unfortunately spiking now after I was in the backseat of a car & someone slammed shut the boot
    Considering my love of black coffee I'm grateful my T never seems to react to it, not even if I have a lot
    Mine don't react either to coffee, so I consider myself lucky in that regard. Fika wouldn't be fika without a real cup of coffee lol ;)
    My (unknown cause) T came on after about 1 year of intense coffee drinking after I got my own espresso machine lol! 3 coffees/day. Never seemed to affect me in any way, it was just for the taste! Hate to become paranoid, but I quit all together for about a year now, but want to go back reading this :p
    Mine reacts to caffeine, but I can't do without it bc caffein keeps me focused on work
    Well, definitely spiking after serveral very noisy days on this trip. Hoping for a good recovery. Will have been a learning experience
    More or less back to baseline after around a week:)
    Travelled to Dublin yesterday, both a long train ride & very noisy flight. Have a small spike, but actually not feeling anxious about it:)
    What you doing in Dublin?
    Visiting my boyfriend. (I have two partners). Been a while since last I was in Ireland because work now makes it difficult, but very fond of it here :)
    Planning a trip with my girlfriend to the French Riviera & lavender fields of Provence in June. Both anxious and extremely excited ☀️
    Just wear ear protection when needed and...enjoy the trip!
    Also, nice profile pic! :)

    That Japanese Spitz sure does love a glass of red. ^●ᴥ●)日
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