Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Hallo, ive been pretty sick the last few weeks and it really upped my T. The sickness combined with all the meds = not good for the T. Pain is down quite a bit, but yeah the ringing and buzzing reached new levels. Nothing im not used to but it can take its toll on a person mentally at times.
I also bought a new guitar recently, but can hardly play it at times due to T, I suppose im still holding on to this idea that I can still do music like I used to. I enjoy guitar but cant enjoy it.
Thats about what my T live has been the last couple of months. Feel a bit isolated these days, talking is an issue with T listening to others talk for too long makes it worse. but it could have been worse!

How are you doing?
Aw no. Sorry to hear. I was hoping you weren't around because you were doing good. What did you get sick with? Maybe once you're off the meds it'll start to go back down.
Yeah it definitely takes a mental toll on a person. Isolation especially with T.. Hopefully when your T settles down you can get back into your music and guitar like before. Maybe more slowly to start.
I'm doing okay. Good and bad days. 2 steps forward 5 back. The usual.
I had strep throat and covid.
well ive had T for 12 years now, the T is one I can live with, its the pain of the hyperacusis that I also have that really affects my quality of life