Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

I get distortions. Less often now which is nice but still happens. what's up?
How long did it take before it started getting a bit better? And how does it improve if the hair/frequency is damaged?
What distortions do you get or hear?
I hear electronical-like beeps on top of voices on TV or in music with high pitches, it's one high frequency that's messed up and distorts what I'm supposed to be hearing. I'll also hear different sounds in the shower, the pipe after flushing, cars, etc.
@TheCapybara Same I hear beeps and bells from running water, toilet flsuhing, the fridge sounds bell like at times and distant traffic or riding in the car with a window open sounds like beeps. It comes and goes as last week it was barely audible. Very annoying too.
I'm sorry that you're dealing with a similar thing Strawberry, how long have you had it and did it improve any since?
Had it about 4 months now, it sort of went or diminished or I didn't notice it as much but its come back. The dishwasher going now sounds like the ringing I get in my ear. I know it's not harming me so that helps its just very annoying as if the T wasn't as bad enough to deal with.
If only it was just T we were dealing with here, that'd be easy in comparison lol. Here's hoping we'll both improve from this Strawberry.
@TheCapybara even the eeee and hisss is bad enough but this is just putting the boot in haha.
I get these. They improved around 8 months in almost to the point if resolution. Sadly a fire alarm brought them back 3 months ago, they are improving again, but it's a slow process.
Hope mine goes the same way.
@makeyourownluck That's great to hear that it can improve so much, I look forward to enjoying music without hearing anything weird. And sorry to hear a fire alarm ruined the progress, seems like they always know when to go off as soon as someone's doing better.
Yeah @TheCapybara being able to enjoy music again was a game changer. You're still early days, try not worry too much about the future just take each day as it comes. Improvement is measured in months.
@makeyourownluck You're right, I'm going to have to be patient. I'm two months in, so hopefully it'll keep improving. I'm reasonably stable but the high pitch in music still sounds sharp to the ears so I hope that gets better, and less beeps.
I'm about 4 months in now from a noise-induced incident. The reaction started the day of the concert when the bass was so loud my ear reacted to it and became louder than the music itself. I stayed being attacked by it for about 10min with earplugs in until I moved away. I protected my hearing for about 3.5 months and stopped a few weeks ago to get used to sound.
I was reacting before but never noticed it due to protection but now I do. It has gotten about 20% better since a few weeks ago and I have hope it'll get all the way better or mostly within a year.
Also do note that most people you see that have distortion say they got it less than a year ago or so. Tinnitus has always been a thing so I assume most do heal eventually. There are people that have it for a long while but I think they're edge cases. I would give it at least 2 years for it to get better in some way. Don't lose hope!
@Authier Yeah, I havent seen a lot of cases that lived with distortion for many years so it's hard to get an idea of what to expect in the future compared to tinnitus. I'm glad it's gotten a bit better for you and I hope you'll keep getting better :)
I think it took 4-5 months before it settled down. I do still get it sometimes generally when I'm speaking, or when my young child cries specifically (this happened before I got tinnitus too, early warning sign that I didn't recognize). Generally it is much better now though. Totally bizarre nevertheless.