It was everything I assumed it would be. He offered mindfulness, WNGs, anti anxiety meds as options and fully explained everything about T. He's right when he says my anxiety/ocd feeds the T. It's nice to hear info from someone knowledgeable and trained. He also says mine is not noise induced cause of how my audiogram looks. That has made me feel better stress wise.
Well that's all great news. Particularly since your audio gram is good. I still have to wait two more weeks to get my hearing test. It is very nice I think to hear from somebody who is educated in the field. My audiologist said the same thing. Your anxiety is making the tinnitus worse.
@Forever hopeful I obsess and worry over the littlest thing, general anxiety disorder and ocd does that too you lol. I assumed mine was from headphone use but he insists cause of my audiogram that its not the cause. Who knows though eh. It could one many factors. But the T is here. Just gotta give the anxiety the boot now!
What does it sound like? Can you mask yours? That's the biggest struggle I'm having is the inability to mask it. To at least bring some relief. I'm dealing with like a double whammy of coming off steroids which makes anxiety higher, trying to accept what I've done to myself and what my like will look like now and then just my regular anxious crazy self. Although prior to this worsening I was not overly anxious.
I can mask the hiss/eee mix I have in both ears with minimal masking as I can listen to my ears and I fall asleep easily sometimes. The ringing I developed last week and has stayed instead of going away is hard to mask as its erratic and rides over my masking noises. Plus I've locked onto that sound now so my brain keeps searching for it and seems to amplify it. Hoping it's a spike that goes away in time.