Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

CW Dragon
I have the same melodies/tones playing in my head as I always have had - mainly an organ sounding screech, steel drum, and static morse code among others. I've been taking SSRI's and Alprazolam to mainly cope with it. It seems that I have Noxacusis since my ear swells up at times and that impacts the level of tinnitus that I get. I pop ibuprofens on a regular basis to quell the swell as I always say.
CW Dragon
I will say my ceiling fan when I go to sleep sounds like an acoustic guitar playing, I had asked my neighbors if they were playing tunes at night and they said nope. Sigh
@CW Dragon before this recent ear infection i would only hear melodies if i was exposed to loud music for extended periods, now the melodies are usually there, much better in the morning,but as the day carries on i start hearing them but they're not loud, the doc said my ears were red and prescribed antibiotics