Just woke from a nap unfortunately the hiss came back sounding like a piece of digital bacon. Almost like clock work, it'll take about 3-4 days to reset.. my shocks come from sudden loud noises such as loud sneezing, doors slamming, dishes falling, loud coughing, dog barking, @Moni97 these are mini setbacks that lower my LDL levels (loud sudden noises above 80DB
In my first few months something like this would have sent me into a constant panic of measuring every second it changes. Now I just tend to go with the flow. The important thing is to avoid further shocks while this one is healing and to remain calm
Man, I wish I had that kind of mental strength. My T changed to a high pitch and seemingly getting louder and I have no idea what to do. I'm trying not to panic but it's hard.
When did it change? @Moni97 .. from experience I will say changes in pitch and volume are common in the first few months of a loud event or exposure. Hang in there moni.
My son's sneeze was (86DB) anything close to (90) brings setbacks for me
@Sammy0225 Its been fluctuating since I've been in isolation but it turned into this loud sci-fi like noise a few days ago. I'm wondering if going to the doctors was the wrong decision since they wouldn't whisper. Then again, maybe it's TMJ? My jaw and around my ears really hurt from wearing my ear defenders all the time.
@Moni97 It definitely could be TMJ I noticed with constant anxiety I was clenching my jaw when I slept. Your body does weird things when you are under stress. How many hours a day do you wear the ear defenders?
Oh, I downloaded a decibel Meter on my phone, and I accidentally clanked a metal fork one day on a pot it immediately spiked my T, and I felt my ears clench the decibel Meter showed 84DB so from that point on I figured around 82ish is my discomfort level or anything above 80 my ears spasm kinda like a spidey sense lol
24/7 basically.-. I try and give them a break and use my foam ear plugs but since I have fluid behind my eardrum, my doctor told me to not use them so much. And do to my H, distortions and not so predictable living situation, I wear protection all the time.
@Moni97 oh wow!! Man you definitely are a warrior! I still use my muffs from time to time but it kills cause how it amplifys my T ugh :'( it's like give me a break already D:
@Strawberryblonde hello love hope all is well! I downloaded one on the Google Play store I wish I could attach screen shots lol but it's a green circle that has DB in the middle it's pretty accurate, do you usually track decibels? I feel eventually I need to stop lol
@Sammy0225 thats what I worry about. Cause wearing the protection makes my T rite in my face, ya know? Makes me worried if that's what's making it louder. I hope you're feeling a little better after your setbacks, though. :)