Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Loudness H is getting better things aren't as sensitive anymore. Accidental clanks don't sound louder then usual and my kid laughing isn't as intrusive. Less protection is improving my sensitivity. still needs more work

Reactiveness has also improved I can run the tap or stand under my loud AC vent with little to no reactivity. Binge watched "the last of us" for 3hrs with no reactivity
T volume - (Hiss) is moderately low I can fully mask it by running the kitchen sink just a tiny bit.

TTTS (spasms) are also not as bad magnesium and controlling my anxiety have been helping. Running my fingers across my hair doesn't trigger my ears too tense up
{Now the bad}

By the time I'm ready for bed depending on how much noise I took for the day: my T can be moderately loud or almost non existent. Stress and noise, determine how it ends for the day. 8Hrs of sleep resets it and repeats the process
Good thing your T resets when you sleep. You can use that to ease your mind a bit when it bothers you. Also Good to hear that the Loudness H and reactivity is improving. You got this bro
Thanks @Jsm_Joestar I appreciate the kind words! I love the profile pic btw I've been dying to watch the DBZ super hero movie even if I have to watch it on mute I'm a big dragon ball fan lol
np i like it when people support eachother on this forum so i decided to do it more myself. Ty i chose this pfp because its symbolic for me stil healing just like goku at that time. I hope you can watch the movie soon, these ear problems make us miss out on alot of things but we will get better.
@Sammy0225 I am watching The Last of Us with hubby, but I can only do a half hour with my reactive hiss/whistle, you watched 3 hours with sound and no exacerbation?! That's amazing. So happy to read all of this.
You are learning so well from every nuance of events that occur.
@Sammy0225 Also watching The Last of Us at this exact moment with my high pitched T participating in the soundtrack haha. I wish I had moments of almost silence at night like you have! My tinnitus is very intrusive in quiet places.
@Sammy0225 Great progress! It seems I need to watch The Last of Us. I tagged my brother in a trailer because I think he used to play the game, looks good!
I've been coming to terms that I may have hearing loss in the high (mid) frequency range. doctors passed it off as "anxiety. I'm hoping to salvage what has been done, and hopefully heal as time goes on. In the beginning months I had a hard time hearing words that started with "s" and "sh" this should have been a sign that some type of damage was happening and taken steroids immediately . (1/2)
Were you offered steroids within a few days of HL?
@Jupiterman unfortunately not I made 4 trips to the ER and was chalked up as a paranoid anxiety patient. Doctors prescribed anti depression meds and sent me on my way. Not even a ENT referral was recommended. My last visit I just walked out without being discharged. I was beyond frustrated. I was bad. I couldn't hear talking at whispering levels. Was having to lip read conversations
I believe like @ErikaS I suffered from a degree of hearing loss from a ear infection. Thankfully I've been making decent progress. I know a simple Google search will state that hearing loss is "not reversible" but from stories I've read ppl sometimes take hearing test a year or so after the trauma and bounce back with even better hearing then before.
@Sammy0225 Wow. I know the pandemic really put healthcare workers in awful, overworked positions, but I feel like them becoming burnt out has unfortunately lead basic healthcare negligence. Im not a doc, but I am a speech therapist and if you were having a hard time hearing those consonants (s/f/sh/ch) then hearing could have been affected. But if you hear them now, that could already show improvement.
@Sammy0225 I just hit 5 months a week ago. I wish I could say I am seeing improvement, but staying pretty steady on reactivity/spiking and T fronts. My hiss has become more of a wine glass affect and goes in and out of both ears but mainly in right. I hate this sound. It started like 3-4 weeks ago as a more pure tone here and there and has now developed into whiny wine glass ;(