Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

So sorry to hear that yours is also worsening. If you can sleep alright without them it's worth a shot. I actually do have mirtazapine for sleep but I try to only take it on the most brutal days (1-2 a month). Had another recent setback of course, I'll write about it on my main thread
@Tweaker hello - you have had Tinnitus for 13 years. Can't imagine. I'm 8 months in. Staying inside or in silence seems impossible. Worst of all, if I ever lay down for 5 min to close my eyes I get super depressed. This condition is hard
Mine seems to be getting worse every day too. Every once and a while I find myself in a situation and say F it. Then pay with higher T. I'm not sure what's worse doing nothing or trying to live while worsening T.
Did mirt help you deal with it?
Tonight I came to my nephews b day. They have dogs that bark. I put my ear muffs on only when they bark. Should I be at home? Honestly - I don't know anymore
@4Grace mirt did nothing to reduce T but can help with sleep.