@Jackson Brady it's still there no big changes. Just learning to co-exist with it. I'll always be walking on eggshells but I'm choosing to not let it control me 100% anymore. The restaurant was noisy but I had my earplugs came home took a nap and woke up with almost silent T. Tomorrow might be different just taking it day by day brother
@ErikaS definitely. Hope all is well! I'm still stopping by to check on everyone here on TT, but I'm slowly tapering off forums. Taking kiddos to the zoo today hope for continued blessed days for us all!
@Jsm_Joestar definitely was screaming when I got home yesterday. but it chilled out after 4hrs or so. my T started off as un-maskable in early days so I guess my brain got use to the loud ringing. Doesn't bother my sleep much. I can have silent days, or loud 7/10 days. Yesterday I went 6hrs without noticing the ringing till I got back home