Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Surprisingly yes I can tune it out but this took many and I mean many months to do unmedicated. I should have been hospitalized in the mental ward at times. Nothing short of a miracle that my brain and sanity stayed intact @Joe Cuber
Thanks @Joe Cuber I was reading your profile I understand the high and low days are what kinda throw me off. Can be low one day and high pitch that next. Thank you for the positivity
I also noticed your in the Bay area. My previous job I worked for the California toll rd payment center. Oh such a fun job getting yelled at by angry California residents lol @Joe Cuber
@Sammy0225 when it changes for no reason is when it throws me too. You think you are on and up then boom, it's now something else!
@Joe Cuber I think I've finally lost the anxiety to it now as well, took a damn long time lol