@SarahMLFlemmer You are quite new to tinnitus, right? For most people things will get better within the next 6-12 months - given that you manage to keep you stress levels down after some time, and you'll be able to break that constant fight or flight mode that will make you tune onto t 24/7.
@SarahMLFlemmer I've had t for about 20 yrs, and I'm still here - even though I hear it anywhere and everywhere. Over time, and with work (CBT or the likes), you can train the brain not to focus on t. Even with fluctuating and reactive t. Its still there, but the brain process it differently, and it often fades into the background.
@MindOverMatter Yes, I am 3 months in. I'm doing a lot better that I have been but still very depressed and feeling quite dispaired. I sure hope it fades into the background. I am a homeschool Mom of a TKer & Kindergartener & am finding it difficult to concentrate on top of other ailments.
@MindOverMatter I am finding it extremely difficult to relax or be engaged with anyone. I just want to enjoy my family. Oh, the things in life I have taken for granted. How come you're still around after 20 years?
@Strawberryblonde it seems as if a cure is extremely far off. I see rave around Shore's device, but I'm not sold on the idea that we need a device. I hate to sound pessimistic but it seems like there's gotta be a better way.
@SarahMLFlemmer nopes I don't have any children and I guess I have hope that the shore device will work as she seen consistently researching it and working on it for over 20 years and with good results, fingers crossed:) and @MindOverMatter is correct with everything said, there will be a time we're the T will be there but the brain won't latch onto it or hear it :)
@Strawberryblonde I will remain hopeful with the rest of those here on TT about the device. <3 I can't wait until my brain takes it's grip off of this torturous noise. What do you do for work?
@SarahMLFlemmer We all would want a cure, eventually. But I wouldn't sit and "wait for it". I've been in despair, just like u, where I was in dark places. But I managed to get to a point where I "came to peace" with it - for most. That doesn't mean there aren't bad days - thats unavoidable - but it doesn't define me/my life. I've come to terms that this will be with me for the future, for now at least, and thats ok.