@SarahMLFlemmer Never lost the belief I grew up with as a kid. Even though times change, and I've gotten new perspectives in my ways, I still kept that faith within.
@SarahMLFlemmer I am personally Catholic and absolutely a believer in Christ! I've been leaning on my faith more than ever to get me through this, evening though it can be challenging lol.
@Ryan Scott I truly believe my faith is being tested right now. Will I say "curse God and die" like Job's wife suggested, or will I cling to God, through the fire, tested and purified?!
@SarahMLFlemmer I am very faith based and have physically gotten down on my knees and cried out to God. I have been praying A LOT that He leads me down a path to meet the right practitioners that can help my body heal and allow me to function and be at basic level peace and feelings of safety again.
@ErikaS Same girl, same. The only thing that helps me right now is Xanax, sleep, my family, and God's provision. He's helped me with my health before and I believe He'll do it again, they're not perfect but much better than onset, but it all took time and patience. Although, I did not wait very patiently but I'm still here.
@ErikaS I also have interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome, and I can potty up to 48x/day, hyperthyroidism that comes with a list of symptoms, Alports syndrome, and now T and migraines.