Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

I work as a tutor at my old school rn. It can be loud but im usually in a classroom with 5-6 students. I also have a good reason to deny phone use and keep my students quiet. Maybe you can find something similair? I have to wear a foam earplug in my bad ear tho
Money is money lol probs earn more than a normal job anyway and your T stays level so it's win win :-P
@Jsm_Joestar that's awesome man! Yea definitely I'm going to start looking for possible jobs such as this one. I gotta start pushing something cause living the hermit life isn't going to get me to far. Ty for the feedback my friend (:
Oh btw I figured out the equilizer settings haha I just turned down the higher frequency nobs
I've considered those options as well lmfao.
@SamRosemary fuck it at this point I'm exploring all avenus lmao haha your lucky women make good money on onlyfans I'll probably be lucky to get one subscriber :3
@Strawberryblonde yup shake what the good Lord gave you lmao hahaha magic mike up in this place haha someone talked me into downloading a feet fetish app to sale my feet pics lmao idk shit I'm such a dork haha but fr im trying make some bank
There is a buyer for almost anything out there lmao get them feet out on the texas beach in load of different poses and sell away lol.
In all seriousness, what type of job are you looking for? @Sammy0225
Lolol fux it.
Let me know how much feet pics are going for, @Sammy0225! H has me living like a hermit and ya girl here has bills and is trying to save for a house xD Just don't forget, we can ask for double the going rate when you're a minority or foreign! ^-^
People sell all types of stuff online even used dust!! @Moni97 @Sammy0225 get those hoovers emptied and sold hehe
@Moni97 @Strawberryblonde @ErikaS y'all have me over here dying of laughter lmao haha oh man I needed that (: and shit fuck it slap some fish net lace on my feet and call it a wrap hehe hell yeah moni we getting that house one way or another lol haha them Hoover's ;p
*two finger salute* Aye Aye Captain! I hope they like cat hair! Lol
@Strawberryblonde I have my adjusters license so I'm hoping to get something in the insurance line of work
@Sammy0225 alrighty! I got the camera, the fishnets and the whipped cream! xD
@Sammy0225 Do it! Bah ha ha. If not for the money, do it for our and your own entertainment. Anything to distract from this awful noise. Props dude.
@Sammy0225 Np bro. Its best to recieve help from others who also have H and T. Thats the good thing about this forum. If there is anything else just hmu. Btw whats your Only fans? asking for a friend.