Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Jeez that's a lot to pay for no relief
:( not sure who else you can see who actually knows what they are talking about.
@Greg Sacramento is the best guy on here for medical info, he's not been on in a while. Hope he's doing OK:)
@Strawberryblonde I spend already 20K in my ears for the past 18 months and the issue keep getting worse, no idea how or why. Mine is not noise trauma or hearing loss.
@NYCGuy did they look into the c1/c2 neck alignment? I've been doing computer based jobs most of my adult life I'm looking into seeing if that might be causing some degree of issues
Jaw issues cam play havoc on the T and you suffer with that too. Could be irritated nerves or some inflammation deep within that area :-/ @NYCGuy
@Sammy0225 I did it for several months NUCCA and cost me 2.5K maybe it help with the neck but not so much in the tinnitus
@Strawberryblonde My theory the muscles does damage to your ear and nerves but is not revirsible, cause I did suffer extreme neck and TMJ pain and all that is gone but tinnitus still very present and even worse than before.
Nerves are one of the more complex things within our bodies :-/ they can invent things like susan shore type device to stop parkinsons shaking symptoms so there is ways I guess to do stuff it's just figuring it out and research research research.
I hope so cause this isn't living
Correct @Sammy0225 T is livable to a certain level, when it starts messing with your mind and gives you crippling anxiety and non stop regret, personally that's what effecting me.
What's new with Susan Shore?
Response to email 4/24/23:
Greetings to everyone who has requested updates on the tinnitus clinical trial at the University of Michigan.
Given the high volume of inquiries that we receive and our desire to provide a timely and consistent response, we are sending this message to all whom have contacted us. (6 posts, too long)
Clinical trial update
We are pleased to report that our second trial is now complete. Like our first trial, this trial was a randomized, double blinded, sham controlled study (click here). Our results confirmed the results of the first trial and showed that extending the treatment period to six, instead of four weeks of treatment, resulted in greater TFI score improvement and sustained loudness reduction.
Furthermore, the treatment effect showed improved treatment durability indicating long-lasting neural plasticity. We have submitted the findings for publication and will make the entire study available after the publication is accepted.
We are dedicated to bringing this novel therapy to the millions of global sufferers of this terrible affliction.