Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Have you seen a rise in cases or just people saying they had it that you didn't know about? @SarahMLFlemmer
I new about hearing loss growing up. But so may other things such as tinnitus/hyperacusis/diplacuis nopes! My mum has what she calls buzzing ears and had it since I was child, never even crossed my mind to find out what it was that's until I got it. We live and learn eh.
The more the merrier?
Ryan Scott
@Strawberryblonde Same here I knew about hearing loss but had no clue about tinnitus. General practice doctors and society should do a better job at awareness.
@Nick47 People just saying that they have it that I didn't know about. They've never mentioned it to me so I never knew 'til I was trying to explain my current situation and told them I just got it.