Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Seems like it's damaged enough to be faulty and throw out some random signals :( I had a tumour removed from my leg years ago, the nerve was cut enough that its never healed fully but yet I can still feel something (simiar ish nerve wise). I guess the nerves have a healing point then thats the limit it'll reach (for some and not others I suppose) :-/
Could it be partial damage or could it be inflammation? If it's the latter, there should be hope for it to repair as long as you give ears a rest. Maybe take NAC and magnesium if you can. What did the Florida doctor say?
@Strawberryblonde what really boggles my mind is how some on here have said the reactivity went away in a few months, then there's others who have no improvement in 6+ months! Like what's the difference? I just so wish my reactivity would show some kind of improvement.
@Artemis2K he mentioned an inflammatory process that he feels causes hyperacusis and reactivity. And when you say give the ears rest, I feel like I did for 5-6 months of a good balance of not protecting against ambient, normal every day home sounds and limiting my noise exposure and I still had no improvement. I rarely wore ear protection but I also was very careful about the sounds I put myself in.
It's a mystery @ErikaS I have no idea when it comes to this as it doesn't follow a pattern it's all individual as you say. Why do some people heal completely and others it doesn't change from the moment the T arrives.
I may have reactionary tinnitus. I don't have hyperacusis, but any time there's too much moderate noise I have a weird equilibrium glitch along with louder tinnitus after a while. Then it lessens, increases, before finally a loud buzzing happens and I'm fine, with moderate noise not instantly sparking it again until it's prolonged. I can manage it if I don't overdo, but I hate it. :(
I think just some are lucky to heal naturally vs others who have it chronic imo. Just what I've seen so far
@Wrfortiscue hoping I can still count on healing being that I am 6 months in and still baseline reactive.
@ErikaS yeah yours is similar to mine. I see you on a lot of threads I've been searching lol. Decided to do some comparing again to find my next step. 2 years with this crap
@Wrfortiscue Ugh I'm sorry to hear! Did you have regular T for a while before it became reactive? If so, what seemed to have caused it to go reactive ?