Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Hi @yeezysqueezy, my intention is not to scare you at all, I hate making people panic, but honesty forces me to tell you that the worsening of the tinnitus caused by Naproxen in 2020 has unfortunately never improved.
My sleep is still affected by this.
Like you, I could not imagine that it would make my tinnitus worse, especially since I could have done without the damn drug.
My advice is really to stay away from any potentially ototoxic medication.
I really hope you'll get better though.
I'm so sorry to hear that the tinnitus is still so bad :( I've been struggling with the regret of taking the medication too but try to tell myself that I did the best I could with the info I had at the time.
Did the naproxen cause you to get hyperacusis?