Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Ryan Scott
Certainly gives me hope when I meet people who have it and they are like you will be fine.
I would say the majority of tinnitus talk members are either very complex cases, very severe cases, or very anxious people. Yay I'm all 3
It's supposed to be 20% on global basis but it's an estimate and I don't think this has been really "measured" properly ever. The real number is probably higher.
@Ryan Scott Definitely. I even asked one of the ladies, "is life still worth living?" She told me "yes." Odd question but I really wanted to know, this is so hard to live with a lot of the time, at least thus far.
@Ryan Scott How long have you had it again, and how did you develope it?
Ryan Scott
@SarahMLFlemmer I've had it for 3.5 months and someone shot a shotgun standing next to me. Just keep praying that it gets better.