Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

@Theezy - ahh man, have you not stabilised at all!? - have you tried anything different lately?
Loads of time silence. Introducing a little bit of noise only when comfortable.
@DeanD it's insane I can have a flawless week of limiting noises while maintaining some low level exposure. But one little slip up can ramp it all up to new levels again
@thezzy "As it gets worse it takes less to worsen it" I think that's me. A friend of mine has T - he does what ever he wants - concerts and all - I wish my T was like that ..
@4Grace Your friend is a ticking time bomb
@AnthonyMcDonald - hi Anthony. I really hope not he is a good friend. I talked to him a few times about it. He does not like to talk about it. Sometimes I feel like me cutting off life is more of a ticking time bomb
@AnthonyMcDonald He has had it for 24 years. Noise induced. We have gone to many concerts together and I did not even know he had it.
@AnthonyMcDonald He says it never changes. Not with food not with anything. Always constant. I know another guy. 15 years. Uses a tile Grinder everyday no hearing protection.
@anthonymchdonald Title guy says his T is so loud he has a massive headache every am. However he does not miss out on anything in life. Never worries about it worsening. I think it's become his new sound of silence. When he works he forgets about it completitly. The moment he gets into his truck to loud. Tile Grinder Evey Day!
I want to be more like them. I am missing everything and getting worse. I once asked them both about going to a concert. They both said they would go 100 percent. That they would not miss out on life for the nosie. This is is what I contemplate everyday. Take meds to be happy and possibly get worse from the meds or live life so dd
Although I can't handle the noise in my head
Do some people have it where the volume just stays stable? 24 years of just going everywhere.