Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

This is true. I had a 90 day trial.
@SarahMLFlemmer did you have any hearing loss detected on the audiogram ?
@ErikaS besides your high frequency hearing loss do you have any loss up to 8khz?
@Strawberryblonde It starts to dip some under the 0 line when it goes to 6-8k, I think the worst it was measured was 20db but it was a steady decline in both ears from 6-8 and they didn't consider it a hearing loss. However, I have tones in the 2-3k hz range?! A part of me would like to try hearing aids just to see if they would help at all since hearing aids for ultra high frequencies don't exist.
@ErikaS I did not have any hearing loss detected on the audiogram but IDK if she checked for high frequency loss or not or if that's apart of the test already.
@SarahMLFlemmer They didn't work for me, but I've heard of many they do work for and I can understand how they could help others. I wish they did help me. Maybe I didn't use them enough or wasn't ready, I dunno. Maybe I'm too reactive. I have no hearing loss too, but have heard they can help people without hearing loss. Worth a shot for everyone.
@SamRosemary How did you develope T and how long have you had it?

Also, I don't know who I would see to even try out hearing aids, maybe just my regular ENT or do I have to find someone who specializes in tinnitus?
@SarahMLFlemmer Just go to an audiologist that sells hearing aids. Like Davidsonhearing or any other seller in your area.

I've had T for roughly 10 months. Cause unknown. No hearing or ear issues ever before.
I tried the Widex Zen 2go. They are the ones my audiologist said are better for T. They were super small and cheaper than the regular ones. They came with amplification and we programmed different sounds.