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  • Well I took the train back to my parents house because there is construction in mine and now the High T is back
    Also even though I woke up all night with the usual electric T, it is pretty much absent this morning. Hopefully it stays like that
    First night without benzo where I did have a decent night of sleep. Still woke up like 4 times but it was ok
    Well no, I should not. I sleep well with it but once I stop it's gone. Can't be on it all my life
    I don't know if I should get back on benzo. I don't know if I withdrawn to fast either. I am lost on what I should do.
    I am depressed because I had this high pitch T in the past, and it would completely disappears in two days with benzo without problems
    Off benzo for a week. Still no improvement. High pitch T is still there everday when I wake up and wake me up every night
    Rn I am also taking ashwaganda but just discovered it was a natural benzo... Not sure if it's good in the long run either
    With time, I think benzo are really good in a short term, I experience good sleeps and days on it because I was use to it as a base level
    And generally it always got better with time but rn I have the feeling it is getting a bit worse, in fréquence of having T
    I still want to hope it will pass, because it has passed in the past, but it has been 2 month and half since I didn't have 8 hours of sleep
    I don't known what is happening but my sleep went from waking up once and sleeping again, to waking up and not sleeping anymore
    Anxious my "SS SS" sounds won't go because it has been now two months, time flies... Getting back to lexomyl tomorrow, will see
    My sleep is not so good. Waking up still because of T, even though it's clearly less loud and painful than before.
    I am almost there, almost back to my old life pre-spike. I am 10% better already, and the lexomyl worked well and I tapped it down already
    Having good nights. The T still wakes me up every night but I can go back to sleep in seconds. Also distortion T is almost 0.
    Yesterday I almost had a full night if sleep ! Still some "ssh shh" in my ears tonight. But it's better than these horrible ultra high zap
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