Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

@BeMagnified - with so many ENT visits, what are you hoping they find or can do?
@BeMagnified, I went to 4 ENTs in a row and only the last one ordered an MRI of my brain and internal auditory canal (IAC) to check for a tumor.
@DeanD I have a family member who believes that finding the right ENT will cure me despite what I say. Also doctors keep referring me to them since they don't know what else to do. I also have other symptoms besides T that interfere with my life and it would be nice to get help for or at least a diagnosis.
@just1morething I saw 3 ENTs between 2007 to 2010 and none of them suggested an MRI. I had a phone appointment with the 4th one in 2020 and she sent me for an MRI. The 5th one suggested an MRI today but then thought it was pointless since the last scan showed nothing.
I'm going to call RAYUS radiology on Monday to schedule my MRI. I delayed because I thought I could get a referral for a TMJ MRI.
Hey, bro. So sorry this is happening to you.
Fortunately, you do get many chances to recover your hearing back, even if it's terrifying that it happens. Hoping this is the case again.
In my case, it happened to me once and it's over.
5 months like this.
Hoping for you to recover again.
Please update us!
So relatable, I went to 6 ENT's and all of them even looked at me as if I was crazy when I told them that I have reactive tinnitus.

General doctors are equally useless, referring me to ENT's over and over again.
@EternalRinging Over the years I have learned that tinnitus is tinnitus to an ENT regardless of its characteristics, and unfortunately nothing can be done about it. GPs also keep referring me to them even though it hasn't helped. No one knows what else to do.
Yeah at this point I have given up looking for a medical relief until better treatments come. I saw you have tinnitus in one ear only for many years, that's very interesting.

Mine also used to be unilateral but that only lasted for 3 months, no clue on why the other ear decided to join but couldn't care less since then I got less obsessed with comparing silence vs the ringing in the other ear
@EternalRinging I originally gave up in 2010 but then my symptoms worsened at the end of 2019. So I sought medical help again only to get no where still
I finally got an MRI in 2020 and that showed nothing. When I first developed unilateral tinnitus in 2007, I did fear that I had a tumor because of it being one sided.
That's the bad part of being 1 sided only, given that it is thought to be more dangerous. When mine was only 1 sided, I also got an MRI that showed nothing but now that's bilateral I know that is nothing more than hearing damage.