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  • 585 days of hell. If the medical establishment cares so much about people this should be researched better.
    not sure about other countries but US only really cares about profit. just a massive scam. they want us to remain sick so we keep paying them and in return they feed us with crap to keep us sick x repeat.
    You haven't gotten better at all from the time it happened?
    They do NOT care about people
    Hello, I read your thread about your experience. How you doing these days?
    To be honest, not good. My sleep is a wreck and I am very depressed. I hate the medical establishment for doing so little work into solving this and so much work into pushing a fake vaccine on people.
    I don't trust doctors at all anymore. I had a dentist try to drill into 8 of my healthy teeth recently. Thank God I question things and got a second opinion.
    I don't trust anyone who isn't my direct friend anymore. Especially not doctors or politicians. None of them are out to help people. Just leech off of us until we die for their own benefit. It's a very sad reality to live in.
    Suffering from tinnitus for 1 year and three months after a 2 day music festival. Events should have decibel warnings. Want to sue.
    Still going? I am 5 days into it and not sure if it will go away, I have just read all your posts
    Joshua Macleod
    @Jacob2005 If you've just developed T, you'll probably be fine! The odds of it going aren't the best in the world, but about 1 in 10 people have tinnitus and the vast majority have no issues at all habituating.

    Make sure you wear plugs to gigs and clubs in future, please. Don't join us in miserable T world.
    Joshua Macleod
    @Jacob2005 You'll likely forget it exists in no time; I certainly did when mine started 12 years ago. Just make sure you protect in future. Reach out whenever you need.
    Suffering from tinnitus for 7 months after 2 day music festival. Music events must include decibel levels warning. Try collective lawsuit.
    Any noise reduction from onset?
    Not really. Sometimes I think my left ear has improved but overall I believe it's the same. My right ear is certainly the "loud" one. Recently, I've been able to sleep without a fan or a sleeping aid (melatonin). But I still hear the ringing.
    I'm able to do things in "silence" again. Like read or write but it's still there unfortunately.
    Also, as I never knew, I've been trying to wear ear plugs around anything over 75db everywhere that I go. What else have you done?
    It has "gone down" in volume but it's still here. I can't sleep without sound and melatonin, which I hate.
    Sorry I can't write anything more uplifting.
    I do have a fair amount of information in my posts if you're interested. There seems to be some cross over with HPPD sufferers, neurologically speaking, and they do recover so I do not think it's totally hopeless.
    Hi. Nice to meet you. New to T. Acoustic exposure to gunfire. Has yours gotten better over time? I'm 8 days in. Hoping to improves but also expecting the worst
    Are you coping better though than you were? Habituating?
    I'm no longer suicidal from it, so it does get better.

    I wouldn't say I've habituated. If I had, I'd be able to sleep as I used to.
    I was very suicidal from lack of sleep the first 3 months. I literally called the hotline at 3am several times; so I understand what you're going through.

    It has gotten better. I find it challenging to accept I still have ringing at 6 months though and the paranoia it will get worse.

    Left a less grouchy comment on your profile with better advice regarding sleep.
    I'm very curious about your profile picture, did you take that photo? I think it looks very aesthetically pleasing ☺️
    Stir-fry and switch.

    Pretty sure that's just a photographic variation on the euphemism: Netflix and chill.

    That being said. @Blackbird1016, you really gotta get your head out of the gutter. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
    I did. It's stir fry I made.
    And I'm not a Netflix and chill chic. Lol quite the opposite.
    Suffering from tinnitus 2 months after 2 day music festival. Festival/concert tickets must include decibel levels warning. Will sue.
    I said class action type. Not me solo. But I disagree. Firstly, politicians are garbage in all cases. Secondly, I want to hurt the festivals and sound set up unions in their pockets. That's what changes things. Not even sure if I could go to a festival again. I just see them as a bunch of predators. As bad as car salesmen.
    Agree to disagree then. You underestimate the effectiveness of organizing locally.
    As someone who did a lot of local organizing against the mandates, including protests to preserve parent rights, and meeting with local politicians, my experience is it's useless and money talks. I would hurt the festivals financially. Then they'll bother to change.
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