whats up @SarahMLFlemmer Well if i move my jaw my tinnitus/ a new noise does appear so from that i always assumed i had somatic Tinnitus since it does get louder when i strain to hard or hang upside down
I like your typical New yorker was around loud stuff all the time, and one day I a young hard headed straight out of high school genius got the bright idea to blast 90db/100db in my ears to be cool, and BAM. it was an acoustic blast/ shock. this was back in2013..n For 10 years i been in this hell hole ever since.
@SarahMLFlemmer im so so very sorry your even going through this. How is it even legal 4 them 2 legally sell medicine with Tinnitus side effects. it makes my stomach sick whenever i see new people like yourself suffering with this. God I hope you can get a lawsuit and win. im no anti vaxer but was it the vaccine or something else
I am strongly against the vaccine, but my dumb but took Accutane and that is what caused it, either the Accutane itself or the withdrawl from it. I'm positive of it.
I already kno how you feel with the regrets. I bet right now u would rather have the worse acne scars over this. Yeah I kno. If I could do it over I would move to a tropical island and live in an isolated area away from loud noises. I cant get over one of Elon musk's baby momma having tinnitus n him not doing nothing. dont even get me started on the U.S military and its treatment of veterans with tinnitus.
yeah it improves but that depends on alot of factors like how loud it is, or how much damage was done. My base tinnitus never changed MUCH so I would say I got used to it. but I had bad spikes too. However as for you you still got 3 years to know if its chronic. Yours could go away before then. JUST PRAY, But By then hopefully we have a treatment and we can be happy n go on about our lives.
You dont wanna know :)
ok So I just fell back on my couch in frustration/exhaustion and the position of my head was upside down, and What do you know. My tinnitus becomes super loud. :/ from that i concluded when blood rushes my head == it gets loud
@KoolKat whether that's the real story or not, I'll go with it. =P I cannot believe how many people got tinnitus from Accutane. Mine actually started three weeks after my last dose, so I don't know if it was from the Accutane itself or the withdrawal from Accutane, but I've talked to a lot of people who have taken it and have experienced the same thing either while on it or afterwards like me.
I think there were 2 out of 11 people that I've talked to who took Accutane that had it go away. They were both within the first 3 months after taking it and developed it while on it so I'm not very confident. I'll be on my 6th month on the 20th.
I'm just waiting on God. Maybe He'll allow it to be healed and maybe not. I tell you what, this affliction is keeping me very humble and that's what I've been asking Him to do is humble me because I can get angry, real quick. This isn't what I meant but I am definitely more humble after this whole experience, that's for sure.
HOWEVER from here on out Sarah, WATCH WHAT YOU TAKE. BE CAREFUL on what medicine/ pills you take. Even if it was something u used to take. Be careful I don't care if a zombie bites you. Dont worry I practice what I preach too
Ill say this your alot humble than me. When I first got it back in 2013 it was either Give me a cure or go fuck yourself lol. I legit didnt even be associated with this., Plus im special, and Im suppose to be famous. I wish you could of read my 2014 tirades and rally the troop speeches. ROFL little did I know nobody gave af. My ENT literally was like "cool story bro" rofl.
@SarahMLFlemmer I really do pray at the very least yours goes away. you need to go back to your life. i honestly hate seeing new sufferers. Its like god aren't we enough why bring more poor souls into this mess. But luckily for you we got a miracle by the name Susan shore. Theres alot I want to say but since ur new ill wait. hopefully ur cured b4 then.
Honestly though, I don't expect it to go away and I'm trying not depend too much Shore's device, especially since my T isn't somatic but I am hopeful! I'm doing my best to habituate as naturally as possible.