Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

@KoolKat That would be great.

I'd like to be able to go outside without my ear defenders on & just listen to the birdsong without it aggravating my hyperacusis & t. Or have a conversation at normal voice levels instead of a whisper. I'd just love to catch up on my tv shows. I miss my tv shows!
I used to watch just a couple of episodes at night to wind down & I haven't watched anything for 15 months now. The simple things are what I miss most.
@AvidReader Your telling me I super miss watching tv and certain movies without T. Sure you can theoretically do it now but we both know ITS NOT THE SAME when you got Tinnitus. If theres a cure im not even gonna go outside, im going to spend like an entire month catching up on all the things I missed out post 2014, then im watching all my favorite 90s sitcoms and movies, order take out and just be a grown kid again.
@AvidReader and Ill time it before the month of October cause lord knows I wanna get immersed in my favorite old 80s m 90s horror movies to celebrate halloween. I miss halloween so much.. to go outside during halloween was priceless. i hate when non sufferers be like well whats stopping you now. but they dont get it
@AvidReaderone that said its super sad that im no longer a teenager or in my early 20s so all my close childhood friends have all gone their separate ways n started families. which im happy for, but it will be bittersweet no doubt. i get emotional sometimes when i see teenagers or young adults living their best life and one of them just happens to resembles you
@KoolKat God yes, Halloween & Christmas film marathons in Oct & Dec are a big thing for me & I REALLY miss them as it's a great run-up to the holidays. I guess I could watch them with subtitles but the music is such a big part of it for me.
@KoolKat When my tinnitus was stable I could watch them no problem, even with the noise, but with this hyperacusis & reactive t - no chance. Why does digital noise have to be such a trigger?!
@KoolKat I was just thinking the other day about when I could actually go on a date or even out with friends. Now I feel like the Little Match Girl only I'm stuck on the inside watching everyone else go about their lives.
@AvidReader are you from the states? all im saying is there aint nothing like a halloween and christmas in NYC. man those were magical times. i miss riding the subways with my costume and getting stares lol. halloween parties was the best. from grade school to college something about halloween was a joy. christmas was better but now that im older halloween might take the lead.
@AvidReader But im tired of anticipating this I want a cure now. but seriously you had this since 2005? ok so your telling me when these commercials were playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Qutttyhc_A
YOU HAD TINNITUS. im just in complete shock. Man i would so let you go before me to get treatment much respect
@AvidReader yeah i dont think its fair to bring a woman or kids into my world of tinnitus. ill probably move to an isolate town by a beach get a dog and date trailer park women or foreign women looking to use me ROFL. ive accepted my fate.
@AvidReader when did u get H and reactive T? how long into your tinnitus did you get it.