Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Hi @haha ear go eeee.

My right ear has improved in that I don't get that deep pain at reasonably loud sudden sounds. However, my left ear has not improved. It was a little better a couple of weeks ago, but some noises have put me back to square one.
Something is really wrong with my left ear as it is not only sound that gives me pain but also vibrations from my fingers. For example, if I have vibrations turned on on my phone when typing.
haha ear go eeee
@TheFriendlyGhost I'm glad some of your symptoms got better. I'd definitely leave the vibrations off on your phone then, it sounds like you might have trouble with lower frequencies. Do you have TTTS or is it just inner ear pain?
@haha ear go eeee I'm glad my right ear is "okay" (still really bad). My left ear is actually probably worse than ever after I went out for a psychologist appointment. I have pain 24/7 in my left ear even though I have been in silence for a long time. Sometimes I have difficulty falling asleep because of the pain.
Two days ago I accidentally hit the plate with the knife a little while I was eating and immediately felt how my left ear started to really hurt and the pain going down my throat and around the ear. This condition is absolutely terrible.
The pain I get from vibrations has nothing to do with sound at all, it must be something wrong with my nerves. Another example is if I put my hand under running water, I immediately feel pain in my left ear. These are just two examples of several things. It's absolutely terrible. My left ear is really completely fucked up.
I have TTTS which is also worse in my left ear than the right. I think the pain in my left ear is both from the middle ear and the inner ear.