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  • @Bart, I've been responding well to a drug called Duloxetine. It's reduced my pain by about 50%. How are you getting on?
    Hello, not so well, I been diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia after a diagnostic nerve block but there is definitely another nerve involved as well , this stuff sucks!

    Started taking amitriptyline+trazodon and it really helps for the pain but my ringing is getting louder and louder, it's getting pretty bad unfortunately
    @makeyourownluck I think I will call it quits on the amitriptyline, I'm on an extreme low dose (6mg) in a combo with trazodon (20mg) but the side effects are not so good, I'm pretty sensitive to meds I guess (oh joy), I got a prescription for the duloxetine though, can I ask what dose you're on ?
    Hi Bart! Hope you're doing better. Just read your post about your stressful situation wich has increased your tinnitus. Stress is a b***...
    It actually improved a lot after some months/weeks, however after a family meeting my anxiety and stress levels went out of control again that caused another spike this weekend, that improved the day after but unfortunately I took some herbal meds that spiked it again very very badly, and this has not subsided again causing again panic attacks , anxiety and stress so the vicious circle is not broken
    I am now in therapy to handle the stress and anxiety and keep it in check because I get panic attacks whenever it spikes, hoping the spike is temporary again, it's getting hard to keep the faith.
    Beste Bart ,
    spreekt u Nederlands? Ik zie dat u een Belg bent ?
    Ik zou namelijk wat meer info over die Mutebutton , met veel interesse heb ik die thread gelezen en ik vraag me af wanneer dit bij ons beschikbaar zou zijn en waar .
    Beste Bart, bedankt voor je bericht.
    Het is voor mij dus niet mogelijk om je bericht te beantwoorden in de conversatie, om gek van te worden , is dat omdat mijn account nieuw is ?
    Alleszins hartelijk bedankt voor de info, ik volg het op de voet en hopelijk kunnen we dit snel testen
    We kunnen misschien de eerste Belgen worden die het testen
    Take a minute to face yourself, Deep breath that always helps, We've all been down here before, Gotta rock through hell to get up above.
    Like your optimism, Bart! Now who has the bloody key, to get us the Hell out of here! }:)
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