Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

@LostTruck, I haven't improved in 19 months and keep worsening, except sometimes my t is a little better. The best thing you can do is avoid sound therapy and meds, imo, for now. Give it a year or 2 before trying anything. Had I not tried stuff, I think I'd still be mild or moderate.
What medication or ototoxic event happened to you? Sorry you're struggling. :(
Often, time is the best healer. It can help your ears recover potentially if u don't try things that make them worse.
@Jerad Thank you, I'm sorry you are struggling too :( Mine was started from a bad reaction between Trazadone and Amitriptyline. I had been on the ami by itself for a while and did not have T but once I took that Trazadone it immediately caused it.
@Jerad Since then, it has just been getting worse. I stayed on the ami for a while but I would try taking other meds to help with the chronic pain I was dealing with and everything seemed to react bad and kept making T worse
@Jerad I got off the ami at one point but then tried to get back on again and this is when the real nightmare started. I took it for about a week before it became so unbearable I stopped. I regret not stopping sooner
@Jerad What I suspect may have happened is something similar to @BrysonKingMe situation. I may have tapered off the ami too fast the first time and then when I tried to go back on it, my ears just went crazy and reacted so bad to it
@Jerad I agree with you, I'm not taking any medicine now out of fear it could make it worse. I don't leave my house much at all and when I do, I always wear ear muffs
@Jerad Is staying inside a quiet room all day good enough, or should I also be wearing ear muffs inside all the time too? Even normal sounds cause my T to react and ear ache to get worse
@LostTruck - I'm sorry u have gone through all that. If you have pain to noise, I would protect from those sounds, even if ur inside. If ur inside and feel no pain, ur probably ok not to protect, as long as your t isn't worsening.
Also, do you have loudness hyperacusis? Or pain hyperacusis? Or both? @LostTruck