Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Very much so! I have a good cry out in the shower or before bed to just release the stress. I sometimes talk to my brother who has had it 30 years. He's fine with it. We are so new in the game that we have to accept and adjust. We will get there! I'm glad you're doing a little better.
@Mo8409 Your brother has it?! How did he get his and how did you get it?
@SarahMLFlemmer My brother got it at a Rob zombie concert at as teen, minor hearing loss. He actually prefers to live with it. He says he's so used to it that he would go mad to hear silence. I just found out my father has had it for 40 years!
@SarahMLFlemmer No hearing loss he claims. He says it goes away and gets easier as time goes on. No hearing loss for me. I took low dose Busphar for 3 weeks and here I am. Arg! Experiencing a spike as we speak.
@Mo8409 I miss silence, but I could imagine that having it for so long, he's super used to it. What do you mean your dad says "it goes away" then gets easier??