I don't know. I can modulate my primary tinnitus sound(s) by pushing back on my jaw. But a couple other tinnitus tones that are low and mid frequency don't appear to be affected by that. So, it appears to be a mix for me.
@SarahMLFlemmer Yep. Started out with just 1, but they continued multiplying over the last couple of years: Hissing, static, ~4khz pure tone, ~6khz pure tone, ~11-13khz pure tone (can't quite figure this one out), & some crazy EEEEeeeeEEEEEeeeee sound. Static is in my right ear, Hissing is central in my head, everything else is in my left ear.
@SarahMLFlemmer I have some concerns about some of the data, but I'm hopeful. I try not to think too much about that right now, though, dealing with bigger short term issues going on 16 months like reoccurring depression and ongoing anxiety and insomnia.
@RunningMan Definitely. I'm not putting all of my eggs into that basket in case of disappointment. Scripture has been giving me hope and gets me out of depression when I start to fall into it really bad. <3 the anxiety is rough but I keep pushing too. Got a good cry out earlier and now doing something productive.
@kingsfan it looks like we're in the same state, cool! I have two for sure tones and then morse code when by a fan or hairdryer or blower. So strange, this thing.
@SarahMLFlemmer as awful as it sounds I'm so glad someone else experiences morse code over sounds like the fan etc I find it so hard to explain this one even to my audiologist.