Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Hi @Ngo13! I take my frustration with my health ailments out on my children often, but I also end up apologizing to them often because I realize it's not their fault that I have tinnitus or anything else that I have going on, they're an innocent party. I do have to remind them often to tone down the noise cause it hurts Mommy's ears and explain to them what I am dealing with; ringing, lack of sleep, etc.
I think my 6 year old understands but not so much my 4 year old. I am so sorry that you're dealing with it too. It's really somethin' else. I think reminding myself that it's not their fault is what helps me put the situation into it's proper perception. <3
How old is your little one? How old are you? How did you get T? How long have you had T?
I'm glad your kids seem to understand. You sound like you're handling it well! My son is only 18 months so he doesn't even understand the concept of "no" yet.