Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

@SarahMLFlemmer NOT OUTSIDE thats for sure ! *BA DUM TSSSS* ...... that was pretty good lets not hate. .. i would of replied "by a thread" .but thats dark. would of landed better.. plus you spelled cat with a C instead of a K .no big deal but im just sayin. that potentially could of effected another setup i had. no excuses but im just sayin.
@SarahMLFlemmer But in all seriousness im doing okay KNOCK ON WOOD.
So how are you holding up? are you sleeping better?
did you find something that helps/ or work for sleeping.
Oh and remember Sarah I dont know if I ever told u this before but please be very very careful with Benzos or any powerful drugs.
Not trying to scare u or act like a health expert but Ive heard its um….you know.
It has has risks you see what im saying.. Just please just be careful. Im praying for you and I sincerely hope yours goes away.
My bad, Kool Kat, with two Ks! I can dig it. ;) :D

I'm alright. Ears were low volume yesterday and now screaming today. I've been going in and out of anxiety with it.
I can't sleep without taking Amtriptiline and medication is what caused my T in the first place so I'm feeling very torn. It warms my heart that you are praying for me. I really appreciate that. I have prayed for both healing and also patient endurance to continue on if physical healing doesn't come.
It's been 7 months now so my expectancy on it going away is growing thin.

I appreciate your authenticity too, just so you know. You're one of a kind, Kat, one of a kind.
@SarahMLFlemmer Kool :) i totally understand with tinnitus its dammed if you do dammed if you don't . Tinnitus sometimes won't allow you to relax or sleep, and thus it spikes, thus its a cycle that just never ends. Im getting dental work done in a day The ludicrous cost isnt even what worries me Its the noise damage of the loud drilling and drugs.
thanks I appreciate that and its really no problem. Im rooting for you. I peep what you got going on, and honestly I hate seeing new sufferers it bothers me. I Wouldn't wish tinnitus upon my worst enemy. Nobody in my circle knows I suffer.my pride just wont allow me to reveal this . And they wouldn't understand. I rather people think im on drugs or I went full EMO lol. HOORAY.