Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Hi Juliane, thanks a lot for checking, I was actually thinking how you were getting on the other day as you were kind enough to reach out back and leave some lovely comments. I don't start until the 7th, I feel like I've made a small amount of improvement, definitely not a success story (yet!)
but the reactive shimmer in the left ear isn't as 'reactive' and probably not as loud but this is a whole two months it's taken to see a minor improvement. I hope and pray I can get to baseline.

Saw an ENT who wasn't much use other than prescribing amitriptyline, which I haven't taken and assuring me it'll go but may take up to a year - probably just trying to make me feel better...
I did reach out to a fellow sufferer on instagram who'd been to the brink and he's been really supportive. Probably like you, I have done far too much research and digging and read far too many horror stories and he put me onto this:

It was by the far most reassuring and knowledgeable thing I had seen by a country mile and I implore you to watch it all the way through. Every GP in the UK and worldwide should be sending tinnitus patients to this as a basic requirement.

How are you getting on? Have you seen any improvement? Hope you are coping well, feel free to reach out anytime you aren't. Paul