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  • It's been a year since I first got tinnitus. The ringing is still there but very faint, and I forget about it even in near-silent rooms.
    Update: the acoustic trauma event happened 7 months ago. My tinnitus baseline is soft. I only hear it at night, and not during the day.
    Hey @Ola so good news to hear that! What type of life are you doing now socially? Would you in a future attend concerts with protection or a no and more conservative life for the future?
    @DeanD It has gotten a little bit quieter since my last post in November.
    @Amv my social life has basically returned to normal. I still attend bars, nightclubs, and concerts, but with extensive ear protection and far away from the crowd.
    I'm pissed. My ears blocked due to flu. I took decongestants and blew my nose to clear them, now my near silent tinnitus is now far louder
    It will get better. Every time I'm sick my Tinnitus is 2-3 times louder but it goes back to my baseline after a few days
    Thank you dennis_me. Tinnitus is unpredictable so I hope it does reduce to baseline, but I expect the worst and hope for the best
    It's been over two months since the acoustic trauma event. My tinnitus is now very faint and I only hear it in the quietest of rooms.
    My tinnitus volume has not increased since my last post on august 5th, even after going on planes. However I'm still getting random SBUTTS.
    My tinnitus volume has decreased to the point that I only hear it in a silent room. However I'm now getting random loud SBUTTS.
    I now have slight pressure in my left ear that won't go away, but no tinnitus in that ear and no apparent hearing loss either. Strange
    noisecancellation headphones for the noise, but you might just have to take some painkillers for the flight... you also might considering changing the flights if you think your hearing is more important (you know, rest of your life kind of deal) or if the flights are more important. Sometimes we have to think about priorities, not to make you feel bad , but to make you think about it
    Use musician earplugs or similar with db filter, and noise cancelling on top. You will be okay @Ola
    Thanks for the recommendations @MindOverMatter
    What makes musician earplugs better than standard foam earplugs?
    Taking Lipoflavanoids, although my ent says it's a placebo. Also taking magnesium, turmeric and gingko biloba. Will start NAC tomorrow.
    Not trying to be too negative, but none of that actually works. If it was that simple to fix T, then we would all know by now. I personally tried all vitamin stuff for over 10 months without any result. Didn't even stop any worsening that happened.
    Yeah I have the feeling that none of them do, I'm just desperate to try anything
    Yeah I know that feel... Try out and see if they help. It doesn't hurt to try anyway. For me though, it helped a lot with acceptance and habituation when I got rid of those pills. They would just keep reminding me of the problem and making me sad.
    My T seems to be less annoying now. I don't know if the volume has slightly reduced or if I'm habituating.I've had T for only a week
    You're going into remission @Ola, and soon will no longer be one of us. You have my deepest sympathies.

    Now take a couple more weeks out to heal, avoid any further noise damage, and then go enjoy your life.
    What @Damocles said.. but remember this warning. Next time could be catastrophic. Use hearing protection often.
    Yup protect during this phase or just chill out in non noisy areas for a little while. Don't be brave lol
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