Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

@4Grace - I think I have learnt that the life restrictions can play as much a part in how we manage the condition as the condition itself (and mine is so loud I can't always capture what people are saying).
The onset of my tinnitus has also given me a neurological condition (diagnosed by the London Neurological Hospital) which can restrict my eating and breathing - so a double whammy, all from having microsuction
@4Grace - if I restricted my life too I don't have much left.
I have friends over the weekend and we are going to a bar, have a 3 day camping event next month and currently booking an vacation to the US next year.
Don't know if I can do it all, but I will plan, have goals and hope.
I don't believe in TRT for this condition, but I do agree with focus, goals and getting as much of a life back as possible
I am so happy to hear you are making plans. That sounds awesome. Thank you so much for taking the time to write me such a thoughtful response. I wish you all the best.
@DeanD I just had the opportunity to read another one of your posts. You are an incredible person, I sincerely hope you are doing okay. My questions seem to be elementary when it comes to T. Like you I don't want to retreat from life.
@DeanD example - family function, If I use custom musicians ear plugs the sound of my tinnitus destroys the experience. When you put on hearing protection i am assuming your T is much loude? Mine is blasting with the protection. How do you handle that? I stay away from concerts and things like that but when I go out, usually do not put on protection and this scares me. I am sorry to ask you this…