@Mo8409 - I tried to avoid caffeine and indirectly it caused my tinnitus to increase - I had to travel to a different supermarket for caffeine free coke and ended up getting spiked by a dirt bike in an undercover car park!
Have you ever spiked on caffeine before?
We have to get as much enjoyment out of life as we can - if I were you I'd go and enjoy my pumpkin chai tea latte .... if it were me
@Mo8409 I am finding 1 cup a day does not spike me, more than that and maybe? I cant always tell if I am just having a shitty day or not. I figure I am either gonna drag my ass because I am tired, or because my T is loud, so WTF I am having my coffee.
I haven't had caffeine in 10 months. I miss ice coffee, iron brew, coke so badly. Closest I've come is caffeine free Pepsi but i think it still has a small amount of caffeine and it was the start of my T so it seemed to spike me.
I was drinking 3 cups regular coffee on most work mornings for about 16 months straight. I never experienced any noticeable difference in tinnitus levels/sounds. I now haven't had much at all in 2 1/2 months, and still no change tinnitus.
I think tinnitus is just so dang unpredictable, does 1 cup of coffee affect it probably not. I have been months without coffee, sugar, sodium, noise exposure playing it 120% safe and still got spikes just laying on the sofa at home.
Okay guys. So Ive been drinking 1 pop a day (diet Pepsi) for the caffeine and I hate it. I'm not a pop drinker and it's so bad for you! I did try a black tea today and so far so good. Decaf is safe it seems but coffee beans give me anxiety for some reason?! Guys try coffee again. Maybe black tea which have benefits to it. We all deserve a little happiness.
Yes we all deserve a little happiness. Me at the coffee shop. How much for that coffee? $2.00. Then whispering to myself. Plus three day T spike. I'll take it -
Pop? You are definitely from the midwest =P. Coffee is, like, my last remaining pleasure. I gave up smoking about 10 years ago. I think addiction ruins a person's ability to find pleasure in things long after the addiction is gone. I've struggled ever since, but coffee helps.
I'm from the midwest and drink some pop also, but mostly A&W, which is caffeine free. I still drink coffee, but only decaf for a while. If I'm going to drink regular, I'll make sure I finish it pretty early in the morning. Before tinnitus elevated over 1 1/2 years ago, I could drink regular as late as 3 PM and still get to sleep fine.