Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Can both be right?
@Juliane We should remember that tinnitus is not a disease. It won't kill you. BUT, it can eventually drive some ppl to madness...and... However, this is, as you mentioned yourself, not constructive at all. Thinking worst case will only result in reinforcement of your issues. How long have you had t for?
Because there's nothing, of (real) treatment STILL, while being told by some it's your mindset. It's used as form of torture method in war. Main treatment consists of benzos, talk therapy, pink noise and hearing aids. Wee bit progress from centuries ago, when it was liquor, opium, ear trumpets & insanitarium. :(
I would agree it is one of the worst, but there are many conditions that are just as terrible... constant debilitating migraines, severe dry eye, interstitial cystitis, inflammatory bowel disease are a few I can think of off the top of my head.
@kingsfan I have migraines, dry eye, and IC. Real winner over here!
@MindOverMatter I have had T since 2003 but after my worsening in Jan 2023 I now realize the previous 20 years were mild...
@kingsfan Definitely. Other conditions are horrible too but I imagine that with e.g. migraines you can get pain killers whereas with T there is nothing. But I could be wrong and unwillingly downplaying the severity of migraines!
@Juliane I know 100% where you are coming from. I was 100% habituated for 15 yrs when major trauma striked me in 2019. I was in the valley of shadows for a long time, believe me. You worsened this year, so this is pretty fresh. With time and help you can get better. The brains ability to adapt is real, but only when you are ready mentally. I learned a lot about this through 2,5 yrs in counseling for t+h.
@MindOverMatter I recently hit a year mark since a sudden worsening. Since then my T and H have been insanely easy to worsen further and I am actually feeling about as bad as ever now. How long did it take you to start feeling better? What helped the most? thank you
@Juliane for those of us with severe, housebound levels of T & H, I would say it brings more suffering than people on the outside could possibly imagine. Even with nearly a 5+ years of mild tinnitus, I suffered, but could not have dreamt it could become like this and assumed people like me currently on these sites were simply worse at coping
@Theezy I did not write a journal on this, so the timeline, for me, is rather vague. Im about 4 yrs in now, but I would say it probably took me a year and a half or so to get better in a more stabil way. But my experience of this is that the process, still and ever ongoing, is non-linear. We need to see the "big picture".
@Theezy I think its hard to pinpoiny what helped most. Seeking professional help was the first step for me, and an important one. I had the help and support needed through counseling for 2,5 yrs. More than 20 sessions. And "homework" to calm myself down. Hypervigilance and being constantly on the alert makes it way worse.