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    1. crescentsky
      i wish i was carefree again
      1. gameover, SilverFox and tpj like this.
    2. crescentsky
      This is terrible but now when I hear about a passing, I can't stop myself from wishing I was dead instead of that person.
      1. Juliane, L along the way and gameover like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. kingsfan
        Death is certainly a good solution for the massive hole I am in, but the body just seems so damn resilient.
        Dec 4, 2023
        crescentsky and gameover like this.
      4. L along the way
        L along the way
        I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.. it's just all so ridicolous.. and i notice myself cynical about these things too.. i mean this message in a very respectful way.. trying to find hope, good rhythm, calm & composure again..
        Dec 5, 2023
        Tryn2BHopeful and gameover like this.
      5. L along the way
        L along the way
        Sometimes i tell myself... i just sit this whole damn thing out (life)... but that's also quite sad feeling... the believe it can and will get better... and trying to find some ease, calm and even joy again
        Dec 5, 2023
    3. crescentsky
      Since T, I been getting severe, massive brain fog. Is this a side effect?
      1. SarahMLFlemmer and gameover like this.
      2. AfroSnowman
        Yes. Having a loud noise in your head takes a bit of a toll on cognition. That piece does improve with time though
        Dec 2, 2023
    4. crescentsky
      Ugh this f-ing fax machine line tone!! The two former tenants that had direct caused to this, I hope you both f-ing burn in hell.
      1. gameover likes this.
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      3. Juliane
        What did the tenants do?
        Nov 29, 2023
        gameover likes this.
      4. crescentsky
        @Juliane they partied every night until early morning and caused a lot of problems. Very traumatizing and I was going through other things, but they caused me to loose a month of sleep and anxiety. I think it was them triggered all of this T to come on suddenly. No more rentals. I'll just work more and save more. Do anything to go back in time.
        Nov 29, 2023
        gameover, tpj and Juliane like this.
      5. Juliane
        That is horrible :-( I know how traumatizing that can be. I experienced one night of neighbors partying, then figthing and screaming for the entire night and I was non-functional for days after.... Those things should have severe penalties
        Nov 29, 2023
        gameover, crescentsky and tpj like this.
    5. crescentsky
      Feel like while I can still semi function to get a 2nd job&save money in case I become a vegetable due to T. Sad to think I have to do this
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. cyberspace
        How are you able to work right now? My T spikes due to anything so I’m bedridden
        Nov 28, 2023
        gameover likes this.
      3. crescentsky
        @cyberspace I took about 4 weeks off before returning back to work. I work only a couple of hours onsite and mostly remote. I been forcing myself to work. Was hoping work would kill me faster.
        Nov 28, 2023
        gameover likes this.
    6. crescentsky
      I accept that I can't have everything and I don't ask for much, but I can't even have silence.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        I just said almost these exact words about ten minutes ago.
        Nov 29, 2023
    7. crescentsky
      Going into 20 months now. Absolutely no f-ing improvements. Started 1 ear and turned in 2 ears after a few weeks. Just pure f-ing hell.
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer

        12 months in, no change.
        Nov 28, 2023
      3. crescentsky
        Dec 1, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      4. SarahMLFlemmer
        *big hug back*
        Dec 1, 2023
        crescentsky likes this.
    8. crescentsky
      everyday I dream about how I can die without making it seem intentional. universe, when will you let me go.
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. L along the way
        L along the way
        Sorry to hear... sometimes i feel the same way. I felt so many times.. just let it all end please... pfff... Hope & faith that this condition can get better over time is what helps me the most. Trying to go easy on yourself
        Nov 26, 2023
      3. Juliane
        I wonder if Jeff Buckley's death was intentional... So many lyrics of his are about drowning, the water, etc.
        Nov 29, 2023
    9. crescentsky
      10 years ago, got T for a couple of days from a concert. never again. 10 years later, woke up in the middle of the night with T. wtf?!
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        That's crazy.
        Nov 29, 2023
    10. crescentsky
      First time in years as I get closer to my birthday, the more I wish I was dead. Just dead inside.
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. 4Grace
        I feel this. So sorry we have to suffer like this.
        Nov 16, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and crescentsky like this.
      3. SarahMLFlemmer
        Nov 29, 2023
        crescentsky likes this.
    11. crescentsky
      All I want for my birthday from now on is for this shit tinnitus to go away permanently and forever banished from my life.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        Christmas wish!
        Nov 28, 2023
    12. crescentsky
      FML thought I would avoid the crowd by taking the stairs, instead triggered an alarm. Then, I was assaulted by ambulance.WTF IS THIS?!
      1. gameover and Sammy0225 like this.
      2. Tryn2BHopeful
        Even without T that is quite the serious of events.
        Nov 6, 2023
      3. 4Grace
        @crescentsky - Honest to God my T worsens at every turn. How can one go 30 or 40 years with no noise Traumas. I’ll miss 10 parties then have a large glass bowl drop out of my hands.
        Nov 12, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    13. SharonBell
      I can’t find anywhere here that does the OAE test, except in Raleigh NC and that is so far from us: The audiologist in new Bern does the test where they stick something down in your ear to make sure ear drum is working right.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SharonBell
        Yeah that’s a lot of money. Was yours in the high frequency like mine or just a standard test up to 8,000 or is that how they do a OAE or some other way? I’m not sure. Alls I know is they did my high frequency test and said, I had sensory tinnitus.
        Nov 6, 2023
      3. crescentsky
        @SharonBell I did two test. A hearing test which is up to 8k. Normal. A hair cell test which returned abnormal. Not sure what sound they tested up to. I didn't hear anything.
        Nov 6, 2023
        gameover and SharonBell like this.
      4. crescentsky
        The hair cell test shows my brain did not hear almost half the sounds. They didn't really explain it well. Sounds like they don't even know. They couldn't even answer any of my questions. Complete joke.
        Nov 6, 2023
        SharonBell likes this.
    14. crescentsky
      I thought this shit was supposed to stabilized after a year. 18 months and why am I getting a new sound on top of existing?! WTF!
      1. gameover likes this.
    15. crescentsky
      Been wishing I can transfer the remainder of my years to someone that needs it or take all my organs in exchange for peaceful death.
      1. gameover, Sammy0225, 4Grace and 3 others like this.
    16. crescentsky
      18 months later & still mourning. I no longer give an f about everyone&their-non-tinnitus problem.they can go f themselves for all i care.
      1. ashcash, SharonBell, 4Grace and 3 others like this.
      2. BB23
        I see people on subway talking about relationship problems as if it is the end of the world. My entire view on the world has changed ever since I got hit with this BS.
        Oct 21, 2023
        SharonBell and Juliane like this.
      3. crescentsky
        @BB23 I would take relationship problems over tinnitus any day. give me even a toxic one, I'll take that over this shit tinnitus.
        Oct 21, 2023
      4. MadeleineHope
        I feel you. Especially having severe H along with it.
        Oct 23, 2023
    17. crescentsky
      None of my other chronic health issues cause so much grief. Feels like a prisoner in my own body with absolute zero control over my life.
      1. 4Grace
        So true. Unfortunately I can relate to everything you say. If it was not progressing I’d be much, much, much better.
        Oct 17, 2023
        Juliane and crescentsky like this.
      2. Juliane
        That is exactly how it is.
        Oct 22, 2023
    18. crescentsky
      There are moments where I wish I can smash my brain, smash my cochlear, it's so exhausting to constantly have to worry about this ear shit.
    19. crescentsky
      Don't know what possessed me today to agree & stayed 2 hours for an oktoberfest themed event w/o ear plugs. Hope it'll be ok. Exhausted.
      1. Juliane, 4Grace and gameover like this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        Nov 28, 2023
    20. crescentsky
      universe, i believe you owe me a powerball winning as compensation.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crescentsky
        sigh I wish, not in CA. CA already won twice in a row. Tho if the choice was lottery vs tinnitus-free...I would choose to be tinnistus-free. nothing is worth this torture and sound.
        Oct 12, 2023
        4Grace and gameover like this.
      3. SarahMLFlemmer
        Oct 13, 2023
        4Grace and cjbhab like this.
      4. gameover
        @crescentsky 100%. I would give up all the money in the world to be T free.
        Oct 13, 2023
    21. crescentsky
      Never really thought aging. Now I'm terrified at the thought that I would be forced to live till 100. That's f-ing 60+years. wtf
      1. Juliane
        I feel exactly the same.
        Oct 7, 2023
        crescentsky likes this.
    22. crescentsky
      if there is a choice to be completely deaf/no sounds&ringing vs tinnitus & nondeaf, I choose to be completely f-ing deaf! Hear nothing!
      1. 4Grace, gameover, Charburchar and 3 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Juliane
        Oct 7, 2023
      4. gameover
        Does not work. Some people tried and ended up with much worse T. You don't want that.
        Oct 12, 2023
        4Grace and Juliane like this.
      5. Juliane
        @gameover I know. But we were imagining that being a possibility (deaf with no T)
        Oct 16, 2023
        crescentsky likes this.
    23. crescentsky
      17.5 months. will this magically go away in 18 months?
      1. SamRosemary
        Hope so. I’m at 17 months
        Sep 26, 2023
        4Grace and Juliane like this.
      2. 4Grace
        Sadly there so much hope in the first 2 years. For me as it sinks in that this will probably be for ever, it hurts.
        Oct 5, 2023
        gameover likes this.
    24. crescentsky
      why is it that every time I step out, all the ambulances come out? is this a sign? should I just continue to hide under by bed?
      1. Gabriel5050
        The world is loud as fuck but when you will NEED to go out, you will. At least that is my experience.
        Sep 15, 2023
      2. Juliane
        This! It's like we are haunted by sound.
        Oct 2, 2023
        crescentsky likes this.
      3. 4Grace
        So true!!! If I knew there was a limit to how loud this can get I would be so much happier. Problem is it’s so different for everyone.
        Oct 5, 2023
    25. crescentsky
      Already 521 days of this curse. Just a never ending cycle.
      1. 4Grace, PennyCat, SilverFox and 2 others like this.
    26. crescentsky
      has anyone tried shamanic healing? should i try this for tinnitus?
      1. 4Grace and gameover like this.
      2. Juliane
        Why not
        Sep 6, 2023
        4Grace likes this.
    27. crescentsky
      Can't decide if this work trip is worth it - 5 hrs flight x 2 (to/from), 4 days, covid risk, see all these people, loud restaurants, sigh.
      1. 4Grace and gameover like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Juliane
        My take on it: don't go. I went on such a trip in the beginning of my worsening and it may have ruined me.
        Aug 31, 2023
        gameover likes this.
      4. crescentsky
        yeah, that's what I am going to do. I took a couple of days off to collect myself together. I'll tell my manager next week I will not join the team offsite in-person. If it impacts my overall evaluations for performance, well I guess, I'll just have to take it. This is not the first one I missed when this f-ing nightmare started last year.
        Aug 31, 2023
        gameover and Juliane like this.
      5. gameover
        Yeah, probably better not to go. I dared to fly for vacation in July, enjoyed it all things considered, but I continue to slowly worsen so I wonder if that contributed. Well, I justified going by doing something nice with my wife maybe for the last time. Work assignment does not sound like it is worth the risk, unless your livelihood depends on it. And even then who knows.
        Sep 7, 2023
    28. crescentsky
      people(incl therapists) so eager to recom/prescribe antidepressants. I'M NOT DEPRESSED. YOU BITCHES TRY HAVING TINNITUS 24/7&365+counting.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. crescentsky
        yeah I am not taking it, not worth the risk as it comes with other problems and can potentially make the nightmare worse.
        Aug 31, 2023
        Juliane and gameover like this.
      3. Juliane
        Yeah just had that happening to me. My doctor asked: "So it's just the tinnitus keeping you awake?"

        Then suggested Mirtazapine.

        Why even bother with these incompetent people
        Aug 31, 2023
      4. crescentsky
        yeah I give up going to these doctors. a friend told me to try another doctor and im like LOL. You think it's that easy?! Even a well known tinnitus psychologist told me, there are worse things that could happen to you at your age! and basically implied at least I am alive and not dead. well, I rather be dead than barely alive at this moment in time.
        Aug 31, 2023
        4Grace and Juliane like this.
    29. crescentsky
      how long do i have to live if i stop exercising, eat all processed food, do not eat anything healthy? will i be lucky & die by end of year?
      1. gameover and SilverFox like this.
      2. L along the way
        L along the way
        Better option seems to live healthy lifestyle... maybe that can help improve t over time... self destructive lifestyle is not right way out... but i can feel ya... im also so done with this condition, but i just hope that with healthy lifestyle & time things may slowly recover hopefully... pffft... people dont understand what a crzy condition tinnitus is.. i just joined this forum.. and feel same way...
        Aug 26, 2023
        gameover likes this.
      3. kingsfan
        you'll probably just end up with high blood pressure and then your tinnitus might get worse.
        Aug 26, 2023
        Juliane and L along the way like this.
      4. crescentsky
        i feel like i have exhausted everything already. prior to this, my life consisted of exercising everyday, eating healthy, green smoothies/juice. i was almost 70% plant based.
        Aug 29, 2023
        gameover likes this.
    30. crescentsky
      on a waitlist for death except the wait is 50-60 years. maybe i'll be lucky and it's tomorrow.
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    2022: April/May, Exact Timing? DK.
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    no idea, shit luck
    Status: T with H and N @ certain sounds since 2022 April/May. Cutlery sounds are the worst. On and off ear fullness and pressure. Feels like I also have somatic T.

    Timing: Exact timing? DK. Probably closer to May? April 10th was the starting pt, triggering a series of unfortunate events that eventually led to development of T (in the middle of the night). T started in right ear and turned into both ears. Started intermittent only waking up at night then chronic 24/7 around June 2022.

    Cause: No idea. A lot of things going on in April and May. Stressful time. I suspect:

    1) MAIN CAUSE: it was my new (2) tenants from hell moving in. They were loud as beep, constantly slamming doors, partying until morning, and snore like sirens. I probably got some kind of noise trauma from them. Slept for 1-3 hours a night for a good couple of months from their shenanigans. Gave me so much anxiety.

    2) Combination from the ^: a trip to a chiropractor and my whole arm was numbed and bruised after the session. Maybe caused some kind of nerve damage?

    3) Potentially a combination of no sleep, tenant-triggered pain/anxiety attacks, and loud tenants triggered some kind of ear/noise damage and body was unable to recover due to body being in flight/fight even if the noise was not rock concert level. Around the same time, I was exposed to C0vid.​