Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

❤️ I have heard it is indeed a real thing. Just takes a long time to get there.
Yes, there are some people on TT who have habituated for the umpteenth time after having experienced an increase in their (HF) tinnitus.
Hi Sarah - I feel you are on a rollercoaster where you will have really good days then really bad days. Rinse and repeat. Perhaps make a wee run chart for to chart how many good, middling, bad days you have over 3 months. It might show you that you actually have more good or ok days than bad or you may see a trend. For every 4 good days you get 1 bad. This mightn't be the best advice but was just a thought x
I wish there was true real and permanent habituation from severe variable tinnitus and hyperacusis. I'm not convinced it's possible now with my sudden increase since Feb 2022 and hyperacusis. Maybe temporary habituation, then starting over again.