Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

I wish I knew :-(
Well it hates broadband sounds like fans, white noise, and road noise. Impossible to avoid however so I just go with it. I have gotten more desensitized to it, but it still bothersome. It would be great even for 10 minutes to be able to mask this sound and take a "break". I find that avoiding sound just makes it worse overall though, I work in a quiet office so I use nature sounds, "underwater" seems to work best.
@Tryn2BHopeful mine seems to differ by the day, sometimes by the hour! There's a particular cricket sound that nearly masks mine, how long has your T been reactive and have you seen any improvement or when you say desensitized you mean you just tolerate it better? I wish you knew too @Juliane :(
@Cmspgran Its been reactive since a week after onset, so 4 months. Im gonna say I tolerate it better, but it also seems slightly better. Initially even the sound of my voice would spike my T. Thats not the case anymore. Yes mine can vary all day long as well, its a bear to deal with sometimes.
Reactive tinnitus for 13 months now. It is the sole component that keeps me debilitated. I wish I could tell you things that help but I have yet to find anything that has helped or improved mine. My reactivity is the same as it was 8-10 months ago.