Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

"My ears thumped at the slightest sound, even when it was as light as a toothpick hitting the ground. However, these thumps were momentary, lasting only as long as the noise persisted. Reflecting on it now, I realize that my anxiety played a significant role, as it had trained my brain to obsessively focus on any kind of noise, regardless of its volume.
Once I managed to gain control over my anxiety, the occurrences of these thumps gradually diminished until one day, they ceased altogether. Please note that my perspective is based solely on my personal experience, but I found that by effectively managing my anxiety, I was able to reduce the thumps by almost entirely "
I appreciate your effort to give insight about TTTS. Unfortunately, there are cases where anxiety plays minimal to no role. My TTTS has persisted for 2,5 years with its ups and downs, most prominently in quiet settings and reacting to short sounds (kitchenware, scratching my face etc). For many months now, I got no anxiety because I habituated to the T, but TTTS is unaffected.
On top of that, I developed MEM, which is spontaneous thumps every few seconds lasting for hours in one ear. That crap usually gets triggered by yawning, hiccups etc or randomly and that happens nearly every day for 1-2 hours. Just when I managed to overcome T and TTTS and their anxiety, this MEM has been happening.
I have had the TTTS type of MEM also, for a few months. In left ear (fluttering) due to sustained voices in quiet environments, and in the right ear (thumps) spontaneously without sound stimulus. The thumps stop after a little while. It doesn't just happen at times when anxiety is high, but maybe if my baseline anxiety would come down, it might help. T is still my much bigger problem, worsening again recently.
@DimLeb "First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt apologies that you have to endure the distressing experiences of MEM and TTTS. I can empathize with some aspects of what you go through. You're right; anxiety is not the only primary cause of TTTS or MEM. In fact, a few of my friends developed MEM after a mishap during wax removal.