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  • Ya this new tone is kinda annoying. Hate playing the waiting game to see how it progresses. Hoping it decreases within a few weeks. Idk.
    Subtle tone that was usually in the background is now in the foreground after that dog bark encounter. Shame.
    Some guy got mad at me and called me a bitch because I had to cover my ears for his barking dog? Okay.
    Literal insanity, I didn't even get a chance to explain myself. I need to quit this fucking job.
    Super unlucky to be in a parking structure with an old car with a loud exhaust. Revved the engine too :(
    No big spike from Saturday, but did have a minor one last night after watching tv with friends. Still only happened in right ear.
    Mayhaps Ol' Righty is just really weak now. *sigh*
    Just finished my first week back at college. Ears seem fine so far? Anxiety was pretty bad yesterday. Hopefully I'm not damaging my ears.
    It seems to be fluctuating with high frequency noises. Hopefully it settles, and praying i didn't screw up :(
    Yeah i def screwed up LOL DAMMIT
    After a busy and loud weekend with friends, my right ear is acting up again. Nothing too crazy, but enough for me to notice a change.
    how do i date with tinnitus? no girl's gonna wanna put up with this. shit even i don't want to.
    Right ear's been worse. Too many factors in hand that make it impossible to know what caused it. Hope it settles soon :/
    hawaii was fun. kinda made t worse but hopefully it'll settle down now that i'm home
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