He deduced that i do have TMJ issues, but that the problem could be coming from my neck (given all the symptoms i am having). He wants to send me to a neurologist, because he thinks it's a pinched nerve. But definitely to a dentist.
He didn't bother doing a hearing test on me because my ears are fine, and that the ear would not cause the pain i am experiencing, but rather my ears are being affected by something else happening. He did take out earwax (no microsuction, just manually) but there was only a little wax.
He really just looked in my ears and took my history. TBH i kind of already knew what he was going to say after researching on the internet these past months. I guess it's reassuring, in one way, that my ears are not the cause of my problems. But imma still in pain and regret not asking about muscle relaxers...
ofc i didn't expect to be magically cured of all my ails in this visit. I'm just in pain daily and i feel like i'm slowly breaking under all this pressure. I have breakdowns almost daily, and i don't want to keep waiting to get help if there is treatment that can help me. I don't want this to get worse, i'm scared that it could.
i'm scared that if i do get treatment, it could makes things worse, but I'm scared of not getting treatment and just prolonging my suffering. I'm just scared.
He also said that I don't need surgery, so that's a good thing too, right? But how can he tell without looking at some imaging? T_T
The only reason i went to the ENT today was because I pushed my parents for an appointment. If i don't push for treatment, I'm always going to suffer like this, that i'm sure of.
my dad complained that he needs to see a dentist, because a filling came out when he ate candy yesterday--BITCH, I'VE BEEN BEGGING TO GO FOR MONTHS, GET IN LINE
y'know i'm the only one in my family whose never gone to the dentist? My sister went, and my parents paid for her braces, but me nooooooo. The dentist did look in my mouth once, just to say i didn't need braces and that was good enough for my parents! WHEN I WAS IN FIFTH GRADE
I completely understand your frustration but it's a start. I think it was clear you had tmj and some nerve thing. I hope they can put you on the road to treatment. You deserve that.