Tinnitus Talk Support Forum

Make homemade ginger tea for the ear pain and don't over use earplugs. It makes nox worse. Slowly expose yourself to everyday noises.
@Mo8409 thanks for response. I send you a virtual hug. So this is nox unfortunately.
I had nox too. You have to do daily therapy to get rid of it. Exposure is key to retrain the brain that sound isn't painful.
@Mo8409 Did you get rid of nox? What sound therapy you did? I was doing cricket sound and white noise (wearable noise generators) for short time. I am afraid sound made me even worse, not sure.
Word of advice, @aab. don't listen to anyone telling you what to do especially when it comes to noxacusis. You're going to have to experiment with it yourself. Some have reported significant improvement from protecting to the greatest extent. It's all individual. You're the only one that will know what works and what doesn't.